Moment with the Master, Warren May!

last year
21 posts

I'll post this here...

Mr. May posted this on Facebook yesterday and I thought I'd share. 


last year
21 posts

That was a wonderful video,  thanks for sharing.  I'm hoping to purchase a dulcimer from Mr May tomorrow morning over the phone. 

John Shaw
John Shaw
9 years ago
60 posts

What a great film and interview!  

9 years ago
620 posts

I didn't know the  smithsonian  had contacted Warren, thank you so much for posting this. I am so happy to have one of his special small groundhogs dulcimers. 


Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
9 years ago
1,212 posts

Appreciate the link.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

9 years ago
191 posts

Thank you for sharing!


Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
9 years ago
229 posts

Thank you for sharing this video, great interview with Warren May and fun to see his shop. He is truly a Master!

Robin Clark
Robin Clark
9 years ago
239 posts

Wonderful smile

9 years ago
244 posts

Thank you so very much for sharing~I am enjoying this immensely!


ETA that was truly delightful!!!

updated by @hugssandi: 09/11/16 03:39:12PM
John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
9 years ago
424 posts

Stewart, thank you so much for posting this link! 

I've never seen Warren's shop, even though I've visited him regularly for over 30 years.

It's fascinating to see how he figures out his dulcimer-building fixtures.


Stewart McCormick
Stewart McCormick
9 years ago
65 posts
I know a lot of seasoned players have probably seen this but for newer members who are learning about builders, history, and building... This might be interesting! Skip ahead to the 24 minute mark!

updated by @stewart-mccormick: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM