New Year's Resolution: "Help Somebody Today"

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 years ago
1,478 posts

I've heard many old hymns (my mom was a church pianist for many years) yet this one is unfamiliar to me-- I look forward to hearing you play and sing it, John.  

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
2 years ago
69 posts

I have not heard this John, so I really look forward to you sharing it!  I love the words!

Leo Kretzner
Leo Kretzner
2 years ago
36 posts

Wonderful resolution indeed!

It also means that if you're home all day you should... help yourself!  To what is up to you, of course. 

2 years ago
2,321 posts

That's strange, Ken! I thought us New Yorkers were supposed to be rather rude, but almost everyone here says ThankYou when you hold a door open for them. Or they wave thanks when you let them into traffic in front of you when driving. shrugger

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
2 years ago
1,210 posts

John, I look forward to your video. This is a new hymn to me. Thank you for sharing it.

Randy, it has always been my practice to hold the door for anyone following me in to a building. Unlike you Nebraskans, there are few people who say thanks. On our trip across country in October I can count on one hand the number of people who thanked me for holding the door open for them. That would be at truck stops, gas stations, rest areas, restaurants, motels, etc.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
2 years ago
254 posts

Help somebody today---what a wonderful way to pattern your life. Time was, and still is in some of the smaller more rural communities in America, that this was something very normal for everyone. Would it not be a wonderful world if more folks would do this kind of thing and remove themselves from the primary focus of their lives. Some say it takes a Village. I say it takes a neighbor whose focus is on others rather than himself.

Randy Adams
Randy Adams
2 years ago
119 posts

Real life Lisa! : ) Yeah the chorus does say 'befriend ' someone  huh?

This is a good resolution John not too hard to keep. : )

If I  may? In my hometown Lincoln NE we almost invariably: hold the door for the next person even if they're 15' away, and they'll thank you for it. Let you merge lanes at rush hr. Put grocery cart in corral or back inside. 

These small everyday kindnesses set the stage for a more general teamwork atmosphere and make for a better place to live. 

updated by @randy-adams: 01/04/23 09:50:26AM
2 years ago
2,321 posts

This is a wonderful thing to practice for the new year- both on your dulcimer and in real life!
There's an interesting lady I know who will be at our small knitting group this weekend, and i have been planning to exchange contact info to get to know her better. She came to this country during the pandemic and likely does not have many friends. She has many fascinating stories to share!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
2 years ago
254 posts

Looking forward to it John. I vaguely remember that hymn.

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
2 years ago
59 posts

I just came across an old hymn by Mrs. Frank M. Breck entitled: "Help Somebody Today".          We used to sing it in Sunday School in the 1940"s and its message is as relevant today and makes a good New Year's Resolution. Here is the first verse and chorus: "Look all around you and find someone in need, Help somebody today. Tho' it be little a neighborly deed Help somebody today! (Chorus: Help somebody today Somebody along life's way. Let sorrow be ended the friendless befriended. Oh help somebody today!.)  I'm planning to share this hymn in a video on FOTMD soon but until then: Happy New Year Everyone