Moody dulcimer - early 60's or 70's - needs bridge and stringing advice

9 years ago
620 posts

 Not sure this ever got to you, posted it 3 weeks ago

Posted a response to   "Morgan McKay Dulcimer"

"I saw this old post from everything dulcimer discussion, have you seen it:

Paula Brawdy
Paula Brawdy
10 years ago
53 posts

thanks, very helpful!

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
10 years ago
2,157 posts

Notches only need to be a string diameter in depth. The best tool is a small triangular jewelers file. I got a whole kit of such files from the local Ace Hardware for under $10. Height will need to be adjusted no matter what -- It's a matter of cutting slightly over-tall then sanding down to Nickel/Dime action height or lower.

Paula Brawdy
Paula Brawdy
10 years ago
53 posts

Thanks Ken I will measure it and see if I can get it out this weekend....The issue will also be making the notches and the height right.. I agree that It really is a nice looking old girl!

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
10 years ago
2,157 posts

What Rob said - The bridge will need to be made to fit. Not hard to do. You just need a small slice of hard wood like Maple. Let us know how thin the wood is and someone, or several someones, will probably send you useable bits of wood.

Does the piece of bridge in the slot come out readily, or is it glued in? If glued, run your hairdryer on high a couple inches from the broken bit for a few minutes, then use a small slice of wood like a popcicle stick as a 'punch' to try and drive the the broken bit out sideways.

Back in the 60s and early 70s many makers used a single dowel as a string post like that. If the post is small enough you can open up the loop of loop-end strings and they'll slide right on. Or you can use ball-end strings and run the tip of the string through the ball end and make a loop to slip over the post.

Not having a 6+ fret means you'll probably find it easiest to play this dulcimer in Fingerdance or Noter & Drone style, and not try to play everything from the DAd tuning.

Really nice looking dulcimer. You've got a keeper there!

Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
10 years ago
420 posts

Paula, I'd say the bridge would have to be made to fit. If you have some wood, sandpaper and a knife edge needle file you're good to go. Can't say I've ever heard of that maker. It looks really nice tho'. Good lines, craftsmanship (from what I can see in the pics) and no 6 1/2 fret.

Paula Brawdy
Paula Brawdy
10 years ago
53 posts


The wooden bridge is broken and I need to get a new one... I wondered if I am going to have one

hand made? I am sending a picture or two as well. The bridge is one piece insert. I showed the top nut just for reference.

Also, there are no string fasteners at the bottom, only a big round post... Did they wrap strings around the post?

Secondly anyone know anything about LW Moody, LA California? That is one the label... #10

Thanks for any input you can give! Paula

updated by @paula-brawdy: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM