8 years ago
620 posts

( heating it a few minutes with your hair dryer before giving it a tap with a hammer and a wooden dowel)

Thanks ken, worked on the dulcimer today. After two tries of heat & tapping I had the bridge out & with a bit sanding, the action is lowered. Stopping at this point, nice & low & no buzzing. Plays so much easier now & my thumb thanks you.

8 years ago
620 posts

Thanks ken, I'm hoping as I get older my thumb doesn't start giving me more trouble in playing

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
8 years ago
2,157 posts

Marg -- why not drop Bill a note, or give him a call and ask about loosening the bridge  I would suggest heating it a few minutes with your hair dryer before giving it a tap with a hammer and a wooden dowel


8 years ago
620 posts

 (Action tended to come a little high on most of his instruments I've owned)

    Do you feel it is just a bit high on your Berg's?

I have one & using the nickel on the 7th fret it's good but I feel maybe it could go just a hair down.

    My problem is, seems the bridge is glued in. I tried lightly knocking it & didn't move, what could loosen it or should I just leave as is?

    It Plays fine but my thumb has been giving me trouble (I slide with it a lot) & thinking if it was just a hair lower, maybe I would have less pressure on my thumb.


William Mann
William Mann
8 years ago
22 posts

Know it's been a while, but just noticed a post on Berg's.  I bought my first on Ebay in 2013, and they have been my primary concert instruments ever since.  Just bought my fifth Berg earlier today.  Of over 50 dulcimers in the 26 years I've played, McSpadden is the only brand I've bought more of, and that's just because there are more of them out there.


Bill makes great instruments: even the student models sound better than a lot of "upgrade" instruments on the market.  Action tended to come a little high on most of his instruments I've owned or handled, and could cause intonation to pitch slightly sharp in the upper register; lower the strings just a touch and it's right on the money.  

Because he doesn't have the name recognition of McSpadden or Folkcraft, used instruments usually fetch less than half their original new price, even in top condition; making second-hand Bergs possibly the best value in the dulcimer world.

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
8 years ago
143 posts

Thanks, Marg, I really am enjoying it! Hard to believe such sound and quality can be had for less than $200...with free shipping, too!



8 years ago
620 posts

Seems like someone else just got a Bill Berg dulcimer.

Hope you enjoy it 

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
8 years ago
143 posts

Thanks, Ken!




Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
8 years ago
1,211 posts

Steven, enjoy your new dulcimer which I am sure you will.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
8 years ago
143 posts

Received my new Bill Berg dulcimer the other day! It's an all sycamore 5-string long scale elliptical. It sounds wonderful, and looks great! Real nice people to deal with. Well, back to playing it!



updated by @steven-berger: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM