Replacing the Nut on a Homer Ledford

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
7 years ago
214 posts

I'm sure your right about those adjusters working really well.   I am going to put them back on in short order, they needed to be cleaned up a bit which I'll get to in a few days.  The pegs o this one are right on and are holding a perfect tuning with no slipping etc.   The  label inside says made from planks on a 100 year old slave cabin near Lagrange, Kentucky if I am reading it right.  

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
7 years ago
2,157 posts

Actually, on the couple of Ledfords that I had the pleasure of playing, those "string adjustment hubs"  -- which are fine tuners, BTW -- worked very well to make tiny adjustments to the tuning.

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
7 years ago
214 posts

OK Bob,

Ledford #2.jpeg Ledford #1.jpeg Ledford #3.jpeg

7 years ago
86 posts

Would love to see some photos of your dulcimer!

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
7 years ago
214 posts

Your right about that.........I am keeping all of the old parts that need a bit of buffing up and so far as the nut is concerned I am trying to make sure that it does not crack or chip, any more than it already has.............I really do not think this one has ever been played or if it has not very much.  I did replace the strings since the ones on it were pretty much dead and left off those string adjustment hubs since they don't seem to do much other than put unnecessary strain on the strings.   I'll keep them off it for the time being, but will have them if for some reason they need to be put back on.   All in all there is not a scratch or ding on it. 

7 years ago
2,322 posts

Just keep in mind that the more you do to change the original parts, finish, the original setup, or condition of that 'mint' Ledford, the less valuable it will become if you ever sell it.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Salt Springs
Salt Springs
7 years ago
214 posts

I'll give that a try.  I did take a double edge razor blade and heated it up and slid it along the sides. I managed to free about 50% of the sides this way.  I suspect that it is glued across the bottom too.   In the mean time I am going to cut some new slots and set the strings equidistant and tune it "Galax style".   By the way, that great looking Galax that you featured last week is weighing on my brain.


John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
7 years ago
423 posts

Maybe try a heat gun/hair dryer to warm up the glue on the ends?  Sometimes that will soften the glue.

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
7 years ago
214 posts

I just received a beautiful, basically mint Ledford that needs to have the Bone nut replaced.  It appears that it has been firmly glued in place and does not want to budge.  Any ideas on how to best go about removing it?

updated by @salt-springs: 08/12/18 07:37:11PM