Jam Etiquette - Rules To Pick By...

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
13 years ago
2,157 posts

Hi Pat;

Ignoring all the Biblical folderol what they mean is:

1. Don't show up at a jam to impress others with what you think is your skill.

2. Keep the beat - the rhythm - set by the song starter, whether you like it or not.

3. Sit in a circle. Keep your eyes and ears open so you can anticipate what the others will do.

4. Don't play louder than the singer or soloist, or if you don't know the tune intimately.

5. Tune it or DIE! An out of tune instrument is inexcusable.

6. Watch and listen for the start and end of the song. See #3. Start and stop when everyone else does.

7. Pay attention to how others are playing a tune so you get the sequence right. If you screw up just jump back in where you can. .

8. Know what key everyone is in, and play many tunes in that key before changing. Don't change keys arbitrarily.

9. Never disparage or insult other players favorite genres of music.

10. Don't just start playing something while others are tuning or deciding what to play. Especially if it's some tune the majority probably doesn't know. Unless you're asked or are teaching that tune as your turn in the circle. Be considerate.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts


phil said:

Thanks Robin. Don't worry I wont give up on finding something funny to post. It makes my day to know that I put a smile on someone for a while,

13 years ago
129 posts

Thanks Robin. Don't worry I wont give up on finding something funny to post. It makes my day to know that I put a smile on someone for a while,

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,476 posts

Aw, gee, Phil, no harm done! As a matter of fact, I enjoyed 'em!

phil said:

AHHHh Nuts I hate to repost something40.gif 9.gif

13 years ago
129 posts

AHHHh Nuts I hate to repost something40.gif 9.gif

13 years ago
2,320 posts

There are a few gems in this older discussion on jam etiquette as well...

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
13 years ago
129 posts

Jam Etiquette - Rules To Pick By...

The Ten Commandments of Jamming (with a few apologies to the Old Testament)

I Thou shalt not come to the jam to impresseth others with thine own talent for this is an
abomination. The music shall be the star around which all musicians rotateth and not viceth-verseth! Attempts to make thine own star shine, shall surely lead thee into darkness!

II Thou shalt not forsake the beat. Thou shalt not speed up nor slow down accidentally when playing
a tune for this shall be considered an abomination.

III Thou shalt arrange thyself in a small circle so that thou mayest see and mayest hear all the other
musicians. Thou shalt listen with thine ears to the songs and shall attempt to play in one accord with the group. Also, thou shalt lift up thine eyes to look about thee, lest there be some visual sign that someone endeavoureth to render unto thee.

IV Thou shalt play softly when someone lifteth his voice in song, when the guitar taketh a break, and when thou knowest not what thou art doing.

V Thou shalt play in tune! Tune thine instrument well and tune it often with thine electric tuner lest
the sound that emanateth from thine instrument be unclean!

VI Thou shalt commence and cease playing each tune as one, so that the noise you make be a joyful
noise and is not an abomination. Whensoever a musician sticketh forth his foot, as though he were
afflicted with a cramp in the fatted calf, thou must complete the rest of that verse and then cease. Thou shalt stick out thine own foot or else lift up thy voice, crying, "This is it!" or "Last time!" if thou hast been the one to begin the song and it hath been played sufficient times over. If the one who beginneth a tune, endeth it not by one of these signs, then the music goeth on in repetitious fashion until the
listeners shall say, "Hark, it all soundeth the same!"

VII Thou shalt concentrate and shalt not confound the music by mixing up the "A" part with the "B"
part. Most songs, but not all, proceedeth by the ancient law: "AABB". But, if thou sinneth in this regard or make any mistake that is unclean, thou mayest atone not by stopping, nay, but by reentering the song

at the proper place and playing on. Thy fellow musicians will support thee in this regard.
VIII Thou shalt be ever mindful of the key that the dulcimer is tuned in, and shall play many tunes in
that key, for the dulcimer is but a lowly instrument and must needfully be retuned every time there is a key change.

IX Thou shalt speak gentle words of encouragement to those nourished on the milk of folk, gospel
and bluegrass music, but not the meat, lest a harsh word turn one again to the darkness that is pop

X Thou shalt not, by thyself, commence noodling off on a tune that the other musicians knoweth
not, unless asked or unless thou art teaching that tune for this is an abomination, and the other
musicians shall not hold thee blameless, and shall strike thee from their computer lists, yea, unto the third and fourth generation.
- Author Unknown (credited to initials L.P.)

updated by @phil: 08/01/23 07:12:10PM