Folkcraft dulcimer questions

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
12 years ago
143 posts

Thanks everybody! Can't wait to get it!

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
12 years ago
143 posts

Thanks for the warning! It's on its way to you right now! ETA: around Sept. 29, 2155. 113.gif
Dusty Turtle said:

That instrument's no good. You should send it to me.Grin.gif

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
12 years ago
1,792 posts

That instrument's no good. You should send it to me.Grin.gif

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
12 years ago
509 posts

Folkcraft (Folk Roots) are really nice dulcimers. A nice company to deal with. You shouldn't be disappointed.

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
12 years ago
1,211 posts

I have sold a few Folkcraft hickory dulcimers through my shop. Those who purchased them have been extremely happy with them. They were all hourglass instruments, but that won't make an appreciable difference in sound. Enjoy the dulcimer when you get it. You made a good choice.

John Keane
John Keane
12 years ago
181 posts

I have played a few of the Folkcraft hickory instruments and highly recommend them! I think that you will be pleased! Smile.gif

Robin Clark
Robin Clark
12 years ago
239 posts

Hi Steven,

I have had two of that exact model pass through my shop this year. They were great sounding and great playing dulcimers - nicely set-up and well finished. They were good all-round instruments and I felt the model was particularly nice for fingerstyle playing. You have made a good choice Smile.gif


Steven Berger
Steven Berger
12 years ago
143 posts

I just ordered a Folkcraft all hickory teardrop FSH model dulcimer (directly from Folkcraft). It'll take about a month to get it. I tooka chance, never having heard a hickory instrument. Any opinions about this type of instrument? Thanks in advance!

updated by @steven-berger: 08/03/23 06:05:59AM