YEAH!!!! I finnally got one.

BJ Jordan
BJ Jordan
13 years ago
10 posts

WhoooooHoooooo! Im lovin that! Congratulations Dana. Let us know how it plays and sounds! 41.gif 41.gif 41.gif


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
John,5.gif 6.gif Smile.gif

John Henry said:

Ouch! (but maybe true Robin) 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif


John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

Ouch! (but maybe true Robin) 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Dana, if you ship that Ledford to John H for any adjustments26.gif or minor repairs, you might as well 11.gif it 103.gif 12.gif ! 24.gif 24.gif 24.gif
John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

Hey Dana, just to let you know that should you want any minor repairs7.gif , or adjustment to action 104.gif etc done to your new baby, just ship it over here, I am ready, willing and able to help 3.gif . Of course, it may be some time before you get it back, what with me being old and slow 15.gif , and the instrument having to be played in an all 107.gif . lol


Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
I'm heading to Florence to pick up my Ledford. It is only about 1 1/2 hrs away thought I would rather pick it up that take a chance and have it shipped. Won't be a bad trip going to get in a little shopping with my daughter at the outlets in DryRidge. Will post pics when I get back.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
I sure am glad to know Dana, John!8.gif And I want to hear her play that Ledford! Smile.gif
John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

OK, OK, I'll leave it where it is , 77.gif , there's no need to get heavy 17.gif , but it was played in commiseration with Dana's 'Lack of a Ledford' 63.gif . ( Robin, ain't you glad you know someone of her distinction, 64.gif 64.gif 64.gif )


Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Dana, if you need help dealing with John Henry, just let me know.101.gif If he takes down Dirge for Dana, we just might have to head across the ocean-- we can either fly25.gif 3.gif or swim77.gif 43.gif --and persuade him66.gif to put it back up. 24.gif
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
You better not take down the Dirge for Dana it's a part of history now and I love it. I deff plan on playing the Ledford it is a little strange though. It is a prototype he did teardrop shape with 4 strings melody then 2drones close together and then base string. it has acoustic tuners on the bridge also. I thought it would be nee because it is one of a kind but I guess all his are one of a kind. It has round sound holes.
John Henry
John Henry
13 years ago
258 posts

Congratulations Dana, what good news to wake up to, I am so pleased for you, looking forward to seeing some pics of 'you two' together. You hinted just a little of its history, tell us more if you can. I hope it is to be played and not kept as a wall hanger, I should'nt worry too much about any small imperfections, the one I rebuilt for JohnS still sings a sweet song' (does this mean that I have to take down the 'Dirge for Dana' that I played on it for you, lol) 41.gif 41.gif 41.gif 113.gif 113.gif 113.gif 36.gif 36.gif 36.gif


Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Hey Louis, thanks I think you sent me a friend request on FB and was asking about dulcimers for sale. Sorry but I've already sold the two I had for sale. If I hear of any nice ones for sale I'll be sure and let you know. Welcome to FOTMD. Dana
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Thanks Randall, Looking forward to see and hearing you sing again soon. I'm wearing your CD out.
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Thanks Robin, been wanting one a looooong time. can't wait to get it.Grin.gif
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
13 years ago
1,457 posts
Dana, I'm really happy for you! A Winchester gal's gotta have a Ledford. Grin.gif
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts

R N Lackey said:

so you're the one that out-bid me!


Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
I sure hope not they didn't put that in the discription I'll go back and look at the pic again. ThanksSmile.gif

R N Lackey said:

Congratulations, seriously.

However, in one of the pictures it looked like there was a small crack going down the top at the round soundhole between the 1st and 2nd strings. That may need to be checked. I was hoping it was just the angle of the camera, but I couldn't get away from it in my mind.


Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
13 years ago
420 posts

Congratulations, seriously.

However, in one of the pictures it looked like there was a small crack going down the top at the round soundhole between the 1st and 2nd strings. That may need to be checked. I was hoping it was just the angle of the camera, but I couldn't get away from it in my mind.


John Keane
John Keane
13 years ago
182 posts
I saw that one...nice purchase!
Ethan Chastain
Ethan Chastain
13 years ago
5 posts
Congrats Dana :)
Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
13 years ago
420 posts

so you're the one that out-bid me!


13 years ago
169 posts
WOW Dana! What a treasure! Bet you'll be on pins and needles till it gets there. Can't wait to hear you play.

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
13 years ago
168 posts
Hey John Henry, I got my LEDFORD It was on ebay I stayed up till 12 to bid on it. It is a prototype he made in 86. Made for wood from a store that was over 200 years old can't wait to get it. I'll post pics as soon as I get it. DanaGrin.gif
updated by @dana-r-mccall: 02/17/19 10:24:43AM