John Stinson #2 history?

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
12 years ago
1,457 posts

I know what you're talking about, Robin. I don't, as a rule, play Stinson's #2 by myself-- usually play it with someone who adds those changes in part B and the two styles blend nicely.

Robin Clark said:

I was looking at the music for thistune last week as a potential one for playing in noter drone. I thought it was a little 'plain' without the modern Celtic chord changes in Part B, which seem to be the#2 tunes signature. I think I may have a go at adding back some ornamentation to Part B to make it a little more of a 'tune' for noter drone- If it works out perhaps I'll record it and post it here as John Stinson #3 Grin.gif

Robin Clark
Robin Clark
12 years ago
239 posts

I was looking at the music for thistune last week as a potential one for playing in noter drone. I thought it was a little 'plain' without the modern Celtic chord changes in Part B, which seem to be the#2 tunes signature. I think I may have a go at adding back some ornamentation to Part B to make it a little more of a 'tune' for noter drone- If it works out perhaps I'll record it and post it here as John Stinson #3 Grin.gif

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
12 years ago
1,457 posts
You're welcome, fellas! If you find anything further, I'd be interested in seeing it.
John Keane
John Keane
12 years ago
182 posts

That's an interesting link. I've often wondered about that myself.

David Bennett
David Bennett
12 years ago
60 posts

Thanks Robin!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
12 years ago
1,457 posts

Dave, there might be a lead or two in the following link in which some history could be tracked down:

David Bennett
David Bennett
12 years ago
60 posts

Does anyone know of any history behind the tune John Stinson #2?

updated by @david-bennett: 06/11/15 07:33:12AM