Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
7 years ago
77 posts

My six string baritone had the name Blact(?) Richardson(2013) and my walnut four string is marked "Laurence Chapman"(2008). I couldn't figure out the first name on my six string, it could just be bad penmanship.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
7 years ago
2,157 posts

I'm not sure that any single person actually makes any one McSpad.  I understood that the group collectively makes the parts and performs the assemblies and at the appropriate time maker's labels with different names are applied to each instrument.   

7 years ago
143 posts

Does anyone have a list of luthiers that have worked for McSpadden Dulcimers?  Of course, there is Lynn McSpadden, his brother, Larry McSpadden, and George Looney.  But who are the others?  Feel free to add to the list if you know the names of the others.

I've got a McSpadden made by a _________ Lang in 2016, but I can't make out his or her first name on the interior label.  Can anyone help me identify the McSpadden luthier who made this instrument?

updated by @greg-gunner: 12/24/18 12:19:36PM