I got a new ukulele

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,205 posts

I am not familiar with the Fremont strings. I'll have to look into them.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

You are kindly welcomed Ken.  I took a bit of a chance, and was glad that the chance paid off.  Even with the goof up, the owner after I emailed him emailed me back and said, you were right, and agreed to partially refund the difference between what I had originally ordered and had gotten.  I'll eventually take a picture of mine, after I take it to the local shop that I have do my restringing for me.  This was sent already in low G ukulele tuning, but with D'Addario unwound low G and I prefer Fremont blackline ukulele strings.  Got turned onto those by someone on a ukulele forum and they are the cat's meow as far as I am concerned for strings.  But to each there own nod

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,205 posts

What a cool instrument James! Enjoy playing it. I think they sound really good. Thanks for sharing your new acquisition.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

Dusty, I get it.  I am stretched between playing a few instruments, so I have to take time for specific instruments.  Example was I had out my Kala tenor guitar for the first time in a while the other day.  So I am juggling between playing dulcimer, tenor sized ukulele, 6 string guitar and 4 string guitar.  Even before the whole pandemic I hardly went out, and the fact is we don't have cable tv - just basic Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime, so I'm not beholden to practicing at a certain time.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,785 posts

That's pretty cool, James. And if you take it rafting, you can always use it as an oar, too!

I have a couple of ukes, but I have to confess that I rarely play them.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

I went to the site, James-- those instruments are just doggone cool.  Have lots of fun with yours! 

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

I got it yesterday.  It was actually supposed to be the carbon gold model, but there was a boo-boo and they sent along the wrong uke, but you know, I like this translucent color.  I emailed them earlier and told them I would take store credit or something and use it for a shirt or some stuff from there merchandise page.  Another company I had heard of was KLOS guitars that also does ukes, and they do black colored carbon fiber travel guitars and ukes.  I went with Outdoor just because I wanted to see what this all was about, as I actually have 2 Kala tenor ukes that I really like.  Plus with this being so durable and having good tune, it is a perfect take to a park instrument.

4 years ago
2,317 posts

I believe one should avoid keeping count after an even dozen. After a dozen it does it really matter?  grin

I also believe that no one can call you a 'collector' unless you have more than a dozen of something.

James do you have it yet, or is it being shipped?  Hey, I'm thinking with that uke, it doesn't matter if the weather is cold during shipping!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 01/06/21 08:20:51PM
4 years ago
34 posts

Now you've done it. I just met a woman who has 28 ukuleles. After 3 your spouse can't keep track.

4 years ago
2,317 posts

James that ukulele you got looks pretty amazing. I can't believe how it is so weather proof, but sounds great. I like how it's sort of translucent.
What made you decide on the white one? Colors are always such a hard choice for me.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

I wound up getting a ukulele yesterday from Outdoor Ukulele, a site I had never really heard of until I saw an advert in the side column on Facebook.  I got the tenor size, moonshine gold model.  For being of man made material, this really sounds great, and something to check into if thinking about the time when it is safe to jam with people in person again.  It didn't sound fake, had good projection and good action.  Here is a link to there site for anyone wanting to learn more https://www.outdoorukulele.com/