A moment of reflection

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,206 posts

Although I have forgotten this sometimes (I hope not here at FOTMD), what is called "The Golden Rule" is how I have tried to relate to people in person and online. I understand that most world religions and philosophies have some form of it as part of their doctrine: do to others as you would have them do to you. I try as much as I can to walk in the others shoes.

Here at FOTMD I feel we all try to do that. Thank you everyone for a delightful place to share our love of music and the mountain dulcimer.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Gordon Hardy
Gordon Hardy
4 years ago
30 posts

As I reflect on my experience with FOTMD and the folks who are associated with this site, I can say that I have felt encouragement and acceptance. I am allowed to lumber along at my own pace without denigration or derision. What a pleasure to be within a group where I am not expected to be an expert but can contribute according to my abilities. Thank you Strumelia.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,786 posts

Indeed, I have treasured FOTMD since I discovered this site as a friendly, encouraging oasis in the social media desert of mean-spirited ridicule.  This is a place where all are welcome, where we can share our love of this oddly-shaped instrument with too few strings and too few frets, and where, by eschewing anger and aggression, we implicitly celebrate our shared humanity. We are, as the name of the site explains, friends.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

To echo what Robin said, I appreciate this posting, more than you probably know or realize.  It is a testament to this site, you and the moderators to try to keep things going in a friendly, inclusive environment.  We all come from different backgrounds, but what unites us is our love of music and the mountain dulcimer (even though we all can not agree on what style or tuning is right LOL.)  I have always appreciated that fact, and that in theory we should be able to put our political differences aside at the door.  My best.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

I greatly appreciate this posting, Strumelia, more than you know.  My heart is broken by both overt cruelty and casual cruelty I see displayed elsewhere on social media by people I know, both friends and relatives.  

FOTMD has been a music home for me since its earliest days.  And I always want the best for the site-- kindness and respect and encouragement among its members!  

Take care and hugs to all!     

4 years ago
509 posts

Thank you Strumelia, a great reminder and a wonderful message. I value this forum (and the guitar forum where I moderate), because they are safe places to talk about our love for music and instruments. At each place, the members are kind and supportive. We are lucky when we can be a part of groups like these, especially during these stressful times. Hugs back to you and to all the members. grphug

4 years ago
2,318 posts

And by reflection, I mean as in examining ourselves in a mirror.

We are all living through very trying times- both in dealing with this relentlessly long and difficult pandemic, but also through the current pandemic of political strife, division, and violence that has become a stain on our great country. It seems that intolerance and bullying have become almost as natural online as breathing.

I strive to make FOTMD an oasis where all members can temporarily escape from fighting and ridicule due to politics, religion, sexual orientation, race, or country of origin. But FOTMD does not exist in an isolated online bubble.

People sometimes forget how interconnected their online behavior actually is. When someone behaves in an unkind way on one site or network, it becomes known on the other sites they are connected to. All sites we belong to are connected and affected, and our actions on other sites can echo to represent us here as well. Ask yourself if your various online presences are reflecting the human values you want everyone to know you by. Are you a friend  to others?

It's easy to get swept up by the current of division and intolerance that has spread through our society. But please look inside yourself and see if there is room for a little more more kindness and less aggression. Can you reach out and give a friendly hand to someone instead of belittling them? Can you bring someone closer rather than push them away? We each need to look inside ourselves. I hope for this new year that our goodness and kindness will shine and prevail.
Stay safe, and hugs to you.  grphug

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 01/29/21 09:02:50PM