Removable Magnetic Pickup for Dulcimers

3 years ago
77 posts

Another hint concerning the myers pickups/microphones: After a embarassing situation where the pickup didn't work (another open mic at a different location) it turned out that you might need an impedance transformer or a passive DI box to get a signal. I guess the other venue plucked me right into one they had at disposal. The passive DI box also has the advantage that it will shield the mic from any phantom power (which might toast it I guess this happened to my mic because at some point it suddenly didn't worked any more. Thanksfully my german music store has good customer service and just sent me a new one without charge). 

The information is a little bit hidden on the Myers website:

It would be great if they would add a little information paper with stuff like this *sigh*

At least with a passive DI box the replacement mic  finally worked :)

updated by @jost: 08/02/22 02:19:14PM
3 years ago
4 posts

I like the concept but I don’t think I can position the pick up, the sound holes are small.  

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
3 years ago
1,784 posts

gwvwadc: Has anyone tried this one?

I've been eyeing that Clingon pickup for a while, but I am skeptical about one thing.  Watch the installation videos.  You have to get a magnet on the inside of the soundboard in the exact spot where you will put the pickup.  That might be really hard on dulcimers (or any instrument) with small soundholes.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
3 years ago
1 posts

Has anyone tried this one?

3 years ago
4 posts

Interesting point about feedback. I only use it when I play in a group. our club leader has the amplification, I will try to use it one day when it is just me, also I will call Myers support. Thanks for your suggestions, I really want it to work.

3 years ago
77 posts

I wonder why the myers pickup didn't work for you. Which model did you try?

I'm quite happy with mine ( great sound and working on my other instruments too):

One reason I can imagine : They are real microphones thus feedback might be a problem in some cases ( e.g. in a  band or group setting). In the open mic at the local pub  I frequent I didn't had any issues up to now. I play solo though.

Did you try to contact their support for help or a refund? 

I didn't  need it up to now but read only good things about it.

3 years ago
4 posts

thanks for your response.  My Dulcimer has a flat strum hollow. I think I will go to a Music store and try a Seymour Duncan pick up. I bought a Myers pick up online, and it has never worked well for me to amplify. I hate to buy another item without trying it.

3 years ago
620 posts


I have a Boss GT-1 Guitar effects processor I make my own sounds with, I am not sure what or how many effects went into the humming tone of the lullaby. I try and create the sound that would go with the music & tone I am after, for the lullaby I was after something that sounded like rocking the baby at 3:00 in the morning

3 years ago
620 posts


If the other's amp has more then one connection you could, maybe but what ever setting they have it set to, would also be the setting you would be using.

I didn't buy a floating pickup, I made it myself. If you notice the photos of the 2 dulcimers with the pickups you can better see what I am describing. Also, notice in the lullaby iI am playing a different dulcimer, that's because you can make the floating pickup to go on top of several of your dulcimers.

Yes, a humbucking (a little taller) or Seymour Duncan (a little thinner) would work, you just need to place either pickup on 2 little post that fits on the sides of your fretboard and tall enough the strings are not bothered. I am using 2 small wooden screw blocks from the kids wooden construction set & just some mounting putty to hold it all together for my floating pickup.

I do have a dulcimer that has a flat strum hollow and the Seymour Duncan just slides under the strings - but most dulcimers don't have a flat area. That's when I came up with the idea of above the strings. these pickups are great, they read the strings not the vibration of the sound board, so you get a better tone & more responsive. 

I hope this helps


updated by @marg: 06/01/22 01:26:30PM
3 years ago
4 posts

I usually play acoustic. But occasionally our club will play in a large room like a nursing home. Most of the others have built-in pick ups. Would a humbucking Or Seymour Duncan allow me to plug into the amp that the others are using. Can I buy it as a floating pickup?  Thanks

Ron Curry
Ron Curry
4 years ago
3 posts

That’s a really neat version of Brahms lullaby, what kind of amp and effects did you use?

4 years ago
620 posts

I have tried out my floating removable Humbucking pickup on 4 different dulcimers so far and it works great, fitting each dulcimer.

With this video, I have moved the pickup up some and I am strumming behind it. 

Dulcimer with a removable floating Humbucking pickup - 4 equal distance strings, D,d,A,d

4 years ago
15 posts

I would be interested in something like that. I have used the Seymour Duncan kind with my acoustic guitar before. Would be fine n with dulcimer too. 

4 years ago
620 posts

I set a Seymour Duncan up years ago under the strings in a flat space at strum hollow, so I could learn & use the Boss GT-1 during Harvey, the TX  Hurricane.  It is the only dulcimer I had with a flat space, all others had the strum hollow. 

    So, why not a removable Magnetic Pickup, floating above the strings?

   One that would work, say on blocks (it's what I had around the house), having the 2 different sizes on a block (sides & tops) for different height fretboards - trying to be as close as you can without hitting the strings.

   More bass away from end in strum hollow & more treble sounding closest to end.

Sounds best anywhere in the strum hollow or even up the fretboard some - notice this Dulcimer (the one everyone recently helped me set up) has cut out groves but not a true hollow area - need to have good string Vibration but still works well with this dulcimer and can slide it up or back as I like.

    Overall, it does what I hope it would, read the vibrating strings from above & is interchangeable with any of my other dulcimers. The Humbucking pickup (only one they had at the Guitar Center) is taller then the wooden Seymour Duncan but with it able to slide up or back on the fretboard you can choose to strum in front of, or behind.
    Like my other pickup - under the strings - this one floating over the strings, works beautifully & such a good idea - a passive Humbucking as a removable pickup, or any magnetic pickup to read the strings - Why hasn't someone come up with a design for an - Interchangeable Magnetic Pickup? I know Jerry Rockwell has a pickup mounted above his strings - not sure if it's permanent or removable but he has demonstrated how well it works above the strings, in his playing. 

   I think there would be a market for anyone's dulcimer not already having a built in pickup. Is this anything anyone has thought of or already designed or would like to?