Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Thanks, John.  

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
2 years ago
423 posts

Michael, it's an encouragement to small-time luthiers to hear from our satisfied customers from time to time!  I know Terry appreciated that phone call.

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Well, it took me two months or so, but I finally reached out to Terry Pattison just a few minutes ago.  I told him how much I have appreciated my Darcyhorse dulcimer over the years.  He was very nice and really appreciated my call.  We discussed strings (I STILL haven't restrung it yet) and he told me where he buys his strings (Stewart-MacDonald - stewmac.com).  Really cool website if you build/repair instruments.  Mr. Pattison said that he is currently building a dulcimer for a friend, but hasn't really been building dulcimers for a while.  I think and hope that my call was a nice shot in the arm on a Monday morning.  

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Hey, @salt-springs !  I have not yet reached out to Terry Pattison.  I will probably do that this week.  I appreciate the tip on the CGC.  This weekend has been a blur, so I won't get it re-strung until later in the week.  I'll definitely keep you posted.  Thanks!

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
2 years ago
214 posts

Salt Springs:

I'm curious, did you ever get in touch with Terry Pattison?  Let us know how your re-string goes..if you take your time it should go just fine.  BTW, if you want you can also tune down to CGG and reduce string tension and play DAA tab.  If I remember there are a few video's on youtube that will help you a great deal until you get the hang of it.  Give us a yell and we'll do what we can to give you a hand.

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Thank you, Strumelia!  I will keep that in mind.  Gonna try to re-string it this weekend.

2 years ago
2,315 posts

Those strings should work ok, but if the .012 strings for the melody course feel too stiff or are hard for you to press down, try using .010 melody strings, especially since your scale length is almost 28".

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 03/05/23 10:20:59AM
Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

That's what I'll go with, then.  You've been a great help and I really appreciate it.  BTW, based on your recollections, I found a phone number and address for Terry Pattison.  I just want to let him know how much I have appreciated the Darcyhorse over the years.  Thanks so much and have a great weekend!

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
2 years ago
214 posts

Welcome..........I think you would be good with 12's-14-22 since some Darcyhorses had an action that was a bit high if I remember some other comments.

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

I'm going to tune it to DAA.  Thanks.

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
2 years ago
214 posts


I use  12, 12, 14, 22 or if I use DAA tuning I like a firmer string so I use 14's and a 22 or 24 depending on what I can find that is handy.

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
2 years ago
214 posts

You going to tune it to DAA or DAD?

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

As a follow up, I want to put new strings on my Darcyhorse, and I'm not sure what type and gauge to use.  The string length from nut to bridge is 27.75 inches.  Any thoughts on strings would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Thanks so much, @salt-springs!  That gives me a starting point.  I really appreciate it!

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
2 years ago
214 posts

I don't know how to contact him these days, however Terry Pattison I fairly sure lived in Union Township, Pa. on Wager Road.

Michael Willey
Michael Willey
2 years ago
30 posts

Good morning and Happy Saturday!  Years ago, I bought a Darcyhorse Dulcimer from the builder off ebay.  I'm well aware of the issues and objections many had with Darcyhorse, but truthfully, mine is one of my most favorite dulcimers.  I lost the contact info on the builder and was wondering if anyone here would still have that information.  I'd like to reach out to him if I can.  Thanks in advance.


updated by @michael-willey: 03/10/23 10:50:16AM