One buzz - 2nd fret, bass string. Driving me crazy. :) Any ideas to fix?

Brian G.
Brian G.
14 years ago
94 posts

Hi all,

I just wanted to post back with the resolution and thank you all - I just restrung the dulcimer going "up one" with each string. No more buzz and dulcimer sounds a little fuller also. So thank you again. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.

Kind regards,


Brian G.
Brian G.
14 years ago
94 posts
Thank you Bobby. That makes a lot of sense.
Brian G.
Brian G.
14 years ago
94 posts

Hello all. Thank you for your replies, I definitely appreciate you taking the time.

Tom - I will definitely search also. (Apologies for not thinking to do it first.)

John - "technical" might have been the word wrong choice. I am a scientist by training, and I like detailed technical things. My real issue is I don't have the *practical* skills to work with wood or build an instrument, so I have much respect for you guys who can actually create a beautiful musical instrument from scratch. I imagine it must be an incredibly satisfying thing to do.

One thing right off the bat that seems counterintuitive is why going to a heavier string would help. It would seem to me that by going with a thicker string, you'd *increase* the likelihood of buzzing because there is simply more string available to hit a fret and as a result. (And wouldn't a thicker string need more room to vibrate also, compounding the problem?) Obviously, I'm wrong about this, and I don't doubt you all for one minute; I just don't understand *why* I'm wrong, exactly. I definitely have some research to do. :)

Thank you all again. I will try what you've suggested. If I still can't get rid of this buzz, I'll follow Ken's suggestion.103.gif

John Henry
John Henry
14 years ago
258 posts
113.gif 113.gif 113.gif 113.gif
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
14 years ago
2,157 posts

See my solution is the simplest of all. Stop fretting the bass string.68.gif

Become a Noter & Drone or Melody-Drone player and fret only the melody string(s)77.gif 69.gif 103.gif 6.gif 107.gif 7.gif 26.gif 41.gif 43.gif 24.gif

John Henry
John Henry
14 years ago
258 posts

That Bobby types much faster than I do, sorry for repeating what has already been said. 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif


John Henry
John Henry
14 years ago
258 posts

Hello Brian, I think that I remember you saying that you were not particularly 'technical' but a reasonably low tech experiment you might consider is to slacken all the strings (assuming the bridge to be in a slot?) and see if you are able to lift the bass side of the bridge sufficient to be able to insert some small thickness of packing beneath that side only, cigarette paper thickness for example, maybe in increments, before re-tightening the strings to pitch. If nothing else it may indicate the degree of the problem, and perhaps save you having to send the instrument off. You could also try taking the gauge of that bass string 'up one', as Tom has suggested.

On the other hand you could just drop in at my place and we could look at it together and make a decision.............!


Tom McDonald
Tom McDonald
14 years ago
26 posts

If you search this site for the term "buzz," you will find a lot of information.

I had a similar problem, and a friend was able to fix it in just a few minutes. The buzz is coming probably from a fret or two higher than the second. Get down to eye level looking across the fretboard and pluck that string, and you may be able to spot the culprit. If it isn't one fret that is lifted, then the action may be a little low, or you may need a heavier string.

Brian G.
Brian G.
14 years ago
94 posts

Hello all. I am appealing to the collective wisdom of the talented and friendly dulcimer makers in the group. One of my dulcimers has an annoying buzz at the 2nd fret, but only when fretting the bass string. I know it's not my fretting technique that is causing the buzz. I would very much like to get rid of it (the buzz, not the dulcimer). Are there any things I can do to try to fix this (and is there a logical order of things to try), or must I send it off somewhere for repair?

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to reply or try to help.

Kind regards,


updated by @brian-g: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM