Question about my Dulcimer Kit

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
3 months ago
1,203 posts

I'll second John's post. The FolkRoots kit will make a very nice dulcimer.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
3 months ago
423 posts

You have an excellent quality dulcimer kit. Congratulations!  It should turn out wonderfully when assembled with care.

3 months ago
2,315 posts

Also, you can join the builders' group here on FOTMD and get lots of help from our members who build a lot of dulcimers:   They are always happy to help out with advice.

-Note, you have to JOIN the group before you can post there or see all the discussion replies. And joining and Unjoining groups is as easy as clicking a button.

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
3 months ago
2 posts

Dusty Turtle:

FolkRoots dulcimers are well known.  It was an off-shoot of Michael and Howard Rugg's Capritaurus Dulcimers in Felton, CA.  At some point (but later than the 70s, I believe), they sold FolkRoots to Folkcraft, which continues to make a line of dulcimers under that name.

The good news for you is that Howard Rugg is making dulcimers again and is a member of FOTMD!  So if you have any questions, you should go directly to him.


That's great to know. Thank you

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
3 months ago
1,784 posts

FolkRoots dulcimers are well known.  It was an off-shoot of Michael and Howard Rugg's Capritaurus Dulcimers in Felton, CA.  At some point (but later than the 70s, I believe), they sold FolkRoots to Folkcraft, which continues to make a line of dulcimers under that name.

The good news for you is that Howard Rugg is making dulcimers again and is a member of FOTMD!  So if you have any questions, you should go directly to him.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
3 months ago
2 posts

I just acquired a dulcimer kit from the 70's it was sold by a company called Folk Roots. I know nothing about dulcimers and before I go tearing into it, I wanted to make sure I wasn't making a mistake (devaluing the instrument/would be instrument) because of it's age and being in original condition. It appears to be walnut sides and back and a spruce top.
