Edit audio descriptions without spamming the Home site

4 years ago
77 posts

Thanks Dusty and Strumelia. I think I will use the comments section and stop worrying :)

Dusty Turtle:
We have discussed getting rid of some of those boxes that show up when you upload an audio text since they are not displayed publicly.  I suppose we could also find a way for them to be shown, but since so few people use that feature it has never been an issue.

As somebody, who maintains servers for a living I can understand your attitude. My coworkers and I have to to some regular maintenance work (e.g. before the hard drive of the server gets full). Most of this stuff isn't a real hassle or just doesn't happen too often. If tasks  tends to repeats a lot we are looking for a way to make the server do the work for us :)

So: Although I think it would be good to hide the boxes it's propably not worth the hassle If they are not used by most people anyway. 

Regards, Jost.

4 years ago
2,320 posts

I agree with everything Dusty said!  pimento

No worries at all Jost.  The activity feed changes all day anyway as other things get added.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,791 posts

Hey @jost.  Well first of all, the people who worry about dominating the activity feed are never the ones who need to worry about dominating the activity feed, so think no more about that. The Moderators do have the ability to delete an item from the Activity Feed, and sometimes we do that when one person uploads several audio and video files and then edits them all, but in your case, a few items in that feed is nothing to worry about.  

We have discussed getting rid of some of those boxes that show up when you upload an audio text since they are not displayed publicly.  I suppose we could also find a way for them to be shown, but since so few people use that feature it has never been an issue.  In the meantime, you have two choices if you want to share lyrics. One is to put them in the description.  That will display, but will require significant scrolling on the part of the viewer.  The second is just to add another comment in which you put the lyrics.

Don't be ashamed. Just the fact that you posted your concern here shows you to be a good dulci-citizen. thumbsup

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
4 years ago
77 posts

Hello everybody,

I uploaded an audio file and noticed that no lyrics where shown. I also noticed an typo in my description. Thus I edited the description and tried to move the lyrics to "audio text". Lyrics are still not displayed I guess that's just the way it is. I can live with it but will not enter the lyrics the next time. 

I'm however shocked that every edit ended up on the Home screen of fotmd. Is there any way I can  disable this kind of spam from me? If not might some of the moderators or admins remove them? 

I'm quite ashamed since this looks like a scream for attention (which it's not I assure you!) 

Best regards, Jost.