Joy W.


Location: Midland, MI
Country: US

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When Bears Dance

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:03:43
This original piece is, like me, a work in progress. (The tuning is DGdd, 4 equidistant strings.)
Christine Shoemaker
01/27/15 09:31:35PM @christine-shoemaker:

I love this song and watching you play it! Well done, Joy! 41.gif

10/17/14 10:52:47PM @marg:

You prefer tuning down to a G instead of an A, or only on this piece? Isn't the dulciborn a wonderful instrument. A good bit heavier & larger than my dulcimer so needing to get use to carrying it. I had the action lowered so it's a pleasure to play now.

thanks for sharing

Joy W.
10/11/14 08:01:05PM @joy-w:

Marg, I just used the tuning for this song. When I play with other people I generally tune DAdd. I have yet to experiment with more creative 4-string tunings. Smile.gif

10/11/14 02:16:46AM @marg:

You are tuned DGdd, is this a better tuning for the Dulciborn than DAdd or just for this song?

Ken Longfield
10/10/14 10:27:19AM @ken-longfield:

Thanks for sharing this Joy. You did a fine job.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Gordon Hardy
10/10/14 09:36:18AM @gordon-hardy:

Thanks Joy, your dulciborn has an impressive voice and you're no slouch at playing either, much appreciated.

Jim Fawcett
10/10/14 06:49:23AM @jim-fawcett:

That was really nice, Joy. Thanks for sharing.113.gif