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AllClean hammer ons and pull offs
I was asked by Laura about doing clean hammer ons and pull offs. I am...
@Linda Jo brockinton 12 years ago - Comments: 14
Tutorial on sustain in your music
Have had several inquiries about how to get the slower songs to have...
@Linda Jo brockinton 12 years ago - Comments: 17
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Posted: Thursday August 23 2018, 4:19 PM
By: @Strumelia
By: @Strumelia
Anybody know this builder? John Maxwell
Posted: Monday February 1 2016, 9:56 AM
By: @Kusani
By: @Kusani
Hi Linda -
Thank you so much for your suggestions! Will print to keep as a handy reference! :-)
Hi Linda, I am interested in purchasing your book: Classic Celtic Collection. But when I went on to the web address for you, I couldn't find your website. I did a search and still found no website. Help!
Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you, and I hope you're well!
Hi Linda,
Thank you for the info. I thought maybe I should do something fancy there!
I have been working on hammer ons and pull offs. I am gettting better but need lots of practice. I have to watch your video again to see how you are doing pull offs with your thumb.
Today for the first time in a very long time I tried to play a peice of music with finger picks. It was hysterical. Never liked it when I was first learning and quickly started using my fingers. It is so natural to use my fingers.
Warm wishes,
Hi Linda,
I was hoping that you could tell me the proper way to play the chords in the 14th and 26th measures of Southwind in your Classic Celtic Collections book. They are the 234 and 057 chords. I want to understand the symbols in order to play the chords correctly. For now I just play a simple chord when I play the song.
I have been working on Carrickfergus and it is becoming one of my favorites. It has a nice flow and I find it soothing.
Wishing you well,
Nice to meet you, too! I definitely enjoy fingerpicking.
Hi Linda,
I received your book,Classic Celtic Collection yesterday. I ordered it from theMcSpadden Dulcimer Shoppe inMountain View as you suggested.
Naturally I had to jump right in to try out some songs! I tried the melody arrangements of Londonerry Air and Southwind. They are familiar songs ofwhich I have played several fingerpicking versions. I will be working along with your CD to learn the tunes andperfect my playing. Arron Boat Song and Haste To The Wedding seem to me to be really good songs to play often for practice and warm up. I am just thrilled to have your /my new book!
If you have any ideas for me that would be great. I will keep you posted as to how I am progressing.
Have a nice afternoon,
Hi Linda,
You are a dear lady. Thank you for your encouragement. I so appreciate it.
I am going to go to the McSpadden web site and order your book Celtic Classic Collection. I am going to use your advice to go slow, easy and enjoy. I am truly enjoying myself. I need to remind myself of the slow and easy! I realize that I need to take a step back sometimes, so in those times I will remember your advice.
I appreciate that you will be there if I have questions, and I will utilize your videos.
I will let you know when I receive your book.
Have a nice evening,
Hello Linda,
It was nice of you to respond to me and I do appreciate it.
I actually have your book on my "wish list" at the McSpadden website. The fact that it has a CD appeals to me. My wish list is a bit overwhelming. I have held off ordering new material because I really felt I needed some advice of those who are experienced. I am grateful.
Have a wonderful afternoon.
I just chanced on your version of Cowboy Waltz on Youtube. It's lovely. I just wanted you to know how much Maggie and I enjoyed it.
Sorry I don't do credit cards!!
Hey Helen. Sorry I missed all this. If you will email me you shipping info I will mail this to you. However I don't do paypal any more. I'll just send it with a bill and you can take care of it when it's convent. I finely do credit cards either.As for CDs my three favorites are Kindred Spirit which is dulcimer only, Celtic solitude and In The Stillness..... Both of these have other instruments. If you want just dulcimer Celtic Classics and the Christmas cd are dulcimer only. .linda.brockinton@att.netI wouldn't worry about the right hand picking as much as getting a good fingering system on the left hand and learning the chord shapes if you are wanting to learn chord melody style.Again sorry I didn't see your messages .
Thank you Linda! Wow! I just emailed Ron and can't wait to hear back. I also saw that you taught a three day workshop out here a year ago. Any plans to be in the Los Angeles or Central Coast of CA area in the future? How about at the Louisville KY festival? I have a sister in Louisville and would have a great time visiting her and learning from you!
I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed your class at Dulcimerville in Black Mountain. I learned a lot and I just wanted to say thanks.
Don't forget to register for Dulcimerville. Heard yesterday the gas would not reach $5 a gal. You can register till the 28th. We have great fun there. I will be teaching the gentle side of the dulcimer, finger or flatpicking at the upper intermediate to advanced level in the morning. In the afternoon I am offering a 4 day mini workshop on the gentle side , fingerpicking and flatpicking at the beginner level. Other great instructors as well if you are more rambunctious than I..
Thanks for the help. I just want to avoid problems down the road that would mean "redoing" everything. I think it's better to get it right at the beginning.
I know what you mean about reading music from a book, it is always a disaster for me as well. I am still working on that muscle memory thing, and memorizing music better, but I think it's starting to click.
I have really enjoyed finger picking and flat picking and I tried scooting up out of the strum hollow last night, it immediately sounded better. If I was playing my flute, there would not be a problem with tone, but I haven't gotten to the "sweet spot" that I want to produce on dulcimer yet. Thanks again for your help. When I post, Jesus Loves Me, would you mind looking it over and giving me some comments?
John says to tell you hey, and that he has not gotten an email from your daughter yet.
Later and thanks again.
Thanks for the info, I'm glad that you pointed out that you use you pointer finger occasionally on the melody string, I am having a lot of problems making the melody string balance with my thumb. I will try your suggestions and keep practicing.
Thanks a bunch
Hi Linda, Thanks for "friending" me. I am new to this site so I wasn't sure how to leave a comment when sending a friend request.
We met briefly at the end of Dulcimerville in the Black Mountain Dulcimer shop. At that time I was in Neil Walters class, but you gave me a book and I have been working on Jesus Loves Me as a flat picking exercise. I'm not sure how to approach this as a finger picking exercise, but I hope to post a video as soon as my pinky blisters heal up. Ha Ha.
I watched your videos and was curious about how you finger pick with your right hand. I noticed that you are picking on the fret board and it looks like you anchor your pinky on the other side of the fret board.
I worked on You are My Sunshine as a finger picking exercise, but I used the pointer finger for the melody, the middle finger for the middle string and the ring finger for the bass. Are there any right or wrong ways?
Hi Linda, I enjoyed listening to your Christmas tunes! I hope you are enjoying the season. Merry Christmas!
thank you so much for sharing..cause sore fingers do make it hard to got on new strings so will tune down..thanks again.
Hi Linda, just found and enjoyed Planxty Doyne; one thought tho', what happened to that first dulc...................?John