Hi kids. I just thought I would check in and try to fill out my profile, add a photo of myself. Where do I start. This musical journey is all new to me. My background is mainly in the visual arts. I started painting at a very early age and started selling some of my paintings when I was about 12. Did the struggling starving artist phase until about the Late 1980s when I gave it up and went into architecture. Just got tired of being a starving artist. Back in the old days I did get a few grants from the National Endowment for the Arts to do some murals in the San Francisco Bay areas, and had a few paintings that were shown at the San Francisco Art Festival back in the 1970s. That brings me up to now this year when I thought I'd pick up a musical instrument. I noticed that the ads always said the Mountain Dulcimer was the easiest instrument to learn only having three strings. I thought well how complicated could it possibly be. Boy was I wrong starting from scratch with no musical background and not knowing what a fret was let alone scales, what a half note or what a quarter note was. This has definitely been an experience. I'm having fun learning the instrument though and it's starting to become more and more easier. This is a great website with a lot of good people and lots of good information here. Have fun everybody
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AllJust for FUN
Howdy kids. I got bored of painting the house and thought I would post...
@Lilley Pad 9 months ago - Comments: 4
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AllHearts of the Dulcimer.
By: @Dusty Turtle
Mr Moses Scrivner
By: @Ken Longfield
CD listening Help
By: @Lilley Pad
Backing tracks
By: @Lilley Pad
playing along in a bluegrass jam
By: @Strumelia
String vibrates
By: @Nate
instrument question- Stephens...
By: @Nate
four string equidistant set-up
By: @John Pettreemusic
Nut & saddle Material
By: @RevDave
for what its worth
By: @Ken Longfield
K&K pickup versus LR Baggs under saddle...
By: @Lilley Pad
History of mountain dulcimer
By: @John C. Knopf
String Action
By: @Lilley Pad
Just 4 fun Tapping Techique
By: @Lilley Pad
Tab or info about a song Deireadn Fomhair
By: @Ken Longfield
Just 4 fun
By: @Robin Thompson
Chapman Stick
By: @Robin Thompson
Tab Nonesuch on dulcimer
By: @Mark Gilston
New Dulcimer
By: @Nate
Gary Gallier
By: @Strumelia
Gary Gallier's Dulcimers
By: @cairney
Hey Kids. Thanks for all the good wishes. I pull the trigger and order a Folkcraft. Should get it about 6 weeks. So I can start practicing Mary had a little lamb. and work my way up to twinkle twinkle little star SMILE.
Have a few questions: 1. how to you add a photo to page to get ride of that default dulcimer photo. 2. How to add a bio. about me. 3. in the forums people will ask questions how to see what people answer. Ok thanks
Oh A parting expression between bikers meaning drive carefully is "Keep the Sunnyside up" So I guess I would say to you all is " Keep those fingers limber" SMILE
Hey Lilley, welcome. Glad ya found us.
Welcome, Lilley Pad, to this corner of dulcimer heaven. 3 strings can do a lot, as you've seen. Hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome Lilley Pad to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. So glad you joined. This is a wonderful community of knowledgeable and experienced folks. And many folks like yourself eager to learn. We are here to support you. Look around. Ask questions as they come up. The only really dumb question is the one you forget to ask. We were all beginners at one time and thought every question we had must be dumb. Send on your questions and someone here will be able to help you. Best wishes on your dulcimer journey.