My wife, Norma plays dulcimers. I make musical instruments as a creative activity, and play ukulele and U-Bass.
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By: @John C. Knopf
Looking for a Small Dulcimer
By: @Tom McShane
Wally, thank you SO much for your very thoughtful donation to FOTMD! It is deeply appreciated. -Strumelia
The photo shows my first dulcimer project and my third.
The design of the first was based on a cardboard body instrument Norma borrowed for her first dulcimer class.
The third is an octave dulcimer tuned DAA, but an octave above the usual set of notes. It is short enough to fit in an airline carry-on bag.
Both have fingerboards made from 1x2 lumber, with most of the body constructed from 1/8" and 3/32" birch plywood.
Welcome Wallyvenable to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. Glad you joined. Sounds like a great event you will be attending. Best wishes on your musical journey.
I'll be at the Gardner Winter Music Fest this Saturday.
I'm playing with the DAA Strummers and OLLI Orchestra.
The GWMF has a lot of room for mountain dulcimer player or wanna be's. We enjoyed it last year. You can't beat the registration fee - FREE if you bring an instrument.
Hi Wally, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Welcome to FOTMD, Wally Venable. It is good to have you aboard. Look for West Virginia players under Groups and join that group.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."