Noah Aikens


Location: Cookeville, TN
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

DianeL Salt Springs Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington James Phillips Patty from Virginia Dusty Turtle Bing Futch Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson


Playlists: 2
youtube videos: 2
images: 12
videos: 8
audio tracks: 3

bile dem cabbage down and others

streams: 16
video file: 3.4MB, 00:01:17

03/06/15 10:30:58PM @mandy:

Great job, keep up the good work!

01/19/15 06:44:13PM @volha:

It's very good, Noah! I like your strumming.

Noah Aikens
01/19/15 05:32:29PM @noah-aikens:

My family doesn't boil cabbage, but we do saute it with garlic.

Ken Backer
01/19/15 11:18:14AM @ken-backer:

Great rendition, Noah! Good playing. And I wonder what you get when you boil that cabbage down...other than mushy cabbageGrin.gif

Lexie R Oakley
01/19/15 10:17:37AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Some kind of strum you have Noah, keep up the good music.

01/19/15 08:49:29AM @monica:

Good stuff!

John Keane
01/19/15 07:23:22AM @john-keane:

Noah, you have a great looking strum going on there. Keep up the good work!

Ben Barr Jr
01/18/15 11:59:46PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hey young fella, that's pretty good...I liked how you changed the tempo.

Patty from Virginia
01/18/15 09:22:48PM @patty-from-virginia:


Cindy Stammich
01/18/15 09:04:42PM @cindy-stammich:

Noah you are doing great! I hope you are having FUN!!!!Grin.gif