Noah Aikens


Location: Cookeville, TN
Country: US

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DianeL Salt Springs Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington James Phillips Patty from Virginia Dusty Turtle Bing Futch Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson


Playlists: 2
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images: 12
videos: 8
audio tracks: 3

The Unquiet Grave

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:11
A slightly rushed and beautifully sad ballad.
02/27/20 09:04:48PM @chas5131:

Thank you.  That was very good. Keep singing

BJ Jordan
01/28/20 11:16:07AM @betty-bj-jordan:

Noah, I appreciate these old songs and you sharing it. It was well done. So thank you from Townsend,TN.


01/25/20 01:39:20PM @strumelia:

I really enjoyed this Noah.  Appalachian ballads are a longtime interest of mine.  Have you browsed on the Max Hunter online collection yet?  It's a treasure trove.

Noah Aikens
01/18/20 07:55:01PM @noah-aikens:

You know maybe next time I’ll actually post a dulcimer video.