2 wonderful Old Timey Fiddle Tunes

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Duration: 00:04:25
Duration: 00:04:25
These are 2 of my all time favorite Old Timey fiddle tunes: "Katie Bar the Door" and "Buck Mountain." This was shot on World Music Day 2012 in Palo Alto, CA. I'm playing hammered dulcimer with my good music buddies Jena Rauti (accordion) & Gary Breitbard (fiddle). Just accidentally discovered this on You Tube; apparently it was shot by a passerby who enjoyed our music. The sound isn't great, but I like the energy, so I'm posting it. :DPeter
Thanks for sharing this, Peter. Those are wonderful tunes which should be played by more folks. I enjoyed watching the video.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
"Katie Bar the Door" and "Buck Mountain" are such classic tunes. It's great to hear about your performance on World Music Day with Jena ( concertina accordion ) and Gary (fiddle) . Even if the sound quality isn't perfect, it's the energy and joy of the moment that really counts.
Love this! This is one of those tunes you could keep playing for a long time. It’s fun and doesn’t end. I’ll be humming it in my head all night.
It's hard not to dance to your tunes.
Hi Cheryl,
Live cloggers are the best kind! :D That would be fun and a really good use of these Old Timey tunes!!!
Hi Dusty,
Too right! Samson had his hair and I have that magical musical beret! Actually, my friends Gary and Jena have a sense of humor and they started the sparkly beret thing; I'm just kinda an honorary member of their club. :D
And it was indeed fun to discover that someone had filmed us at World Music Day, and that they actually let the camera roll for most of that medley of tunes. Usually, videos by friends and strangers are just short excerpts of a larger musical whole, and not so satisfying to me. So, this was a double delight: the initial discovery AND the fact that they shot a reasonably lengthed chunk of our playing. A 3rd fun discovery was that I enjoyed how we sounded and our musical energy (despite the less than hi fi sound quality of the video). I've never had a chance to be an audience to our playing of those tunes before, and they're two of my faves!
All the best,
It's the hat, isn't it? Without the hat you lose your ability to play. I think I figured it all out.
It must have been cool to have discovered yourself on YouTube like that.
How bout a real live clogger to go with your group......ME!!! :) :) Told ya my toes were tappin!!
Hi Patty,
Thanks for the sweet comment. Nice to hear that you enjoyed it! I have a few more that I hope to start posting sometime soon.
My pal Gary (playing the fiddle in the video) told me to tell you re: the limberjack: "Tell her she's always welcome to join in on limberjack. I love that instrument!"
So, next time you're out our way, remember to bring your limberjack!
Peter, I do enjoy your videos. You all look like you're having lots of fun
Hi Cheryl,
So glad to hear that we got your foot to tapping!
We had a lot of fun that day. I enjoyed watching the video and sorta re-living that fun time.
All the best,
Really enjoyed this Peter! Still tappin my foot!! :)
Hi Lisa,
Glad that you enjoyed the tunes! I REALLY love these 2 tunes in a medley, and to play them with the folks who taught 'em to me (Gary & Jena). They are an important part of my "great tune discovery network."
Gary plays 18 instruments (incl piano, piano accordion, button box accordion, banjo, guitar, mandolin, fiddle, hurdy gurdy, & a number of more exotic ones) and 18 different kinds of music (from OT to Irish, French [Parisian & French trad music] to Gallician, Italian, German, several Eastern European ethnic musics, and quite a few others, incl Carter Family, Sacred Harp singing), not to mention calling dances of several ethnicities. He's a one person international folk festival!
I also love the way these 3 instruments sound together!
I think we also sound pretty cool when I play mountain dulcimer with them too, but it doesn't carry as well at a noisy street festival that thousands attend like this, so I opted to mostly play HD. Also, I think folks find HD a little more "visually unusual" instrument, so they often stop, listen and wanna ask about it.
It was great fun to have several folks dance to our different sets! Yes, kids are great fun to play for.
Not sure about the intent behind the scream, though. World Music Day 2012 happened 2 months ago (weekend of Summer Solstice), so I don't even remember the scream. I just bumped into this video by accident on You Tube. It wasshot & posted by an anonymous passerby; I was looking for something else when I recognized the 3 of us in the still photo that You Tube chose to represent the video.
You're right: Limberjack would have been a neat addition!
You'll have to drop by and play next year!
If you're not out our way then, we may have to rig something up so we can animate a limber jack with our collective toes.
Isn't it grand when serendipity happens in music!
About my hat: we ordered a French sparkly beret, and this is what came. It's apparently a type of beret I'd never seen before. It is actually useful for keeping the sun out of my eyes, if I configure the over-hang into a sort of visor. Also a bit more protective against overhead sea gulls (LOL). But it would probably be esp protective in case of Martian laser attack or another alien invasion a la Dr. Who!
(Where is that Dr. when you need him?)
How cool is this!?
I love the instrument combination of you three. I like the kid dancing by at around 2:50 min.
And at 4:13...was that a fan screaming for more?
One more question...is that hat on your head a protection shield against Martian laser attack or something...? lol!
Would have loved to join you with my limberjack!