Mountain Dulcimer Blues

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Duration: 00:01:00
Duration: 00:01:00
Killing a little time in a hotel room recently. Recorded on my phone. Despite heavy-duty sound editing, the audio quality isn't the greatest.The tripod for the phone folds up, and is small enough to attach to a keychain. It would be a great rig for making recordings on the road if it sounded better.
Tom, the sound ain't too bad, and the playing is very nice! Thanks for sharing!
Nice job Tom! Is there anything a phone can't do?
Thanks for sharing the Mountain Dulcimer Blues. The sound quality wasn't too bad for the circumstances. Your editing must have helped a lot. Your dulcimer looks unique. Does the fret board taper toward the end block? It looks that way in the video. Good job, Tom.
"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."
Nice work, Tom. I may have to steal some of those chord changes there. Although you play at a patient pace, there is almost a ragtime feel to the chord progression.