On the (flooded) Banks of the Ohio

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Duration: 00:02:03
Duration: 00:02:03
Pictures and video from the flooded Ohio in April 2011. The song is a quick rendition of Banks of the Ohio that I put together mostly by ear. It starts out in G, then switches to D. DAd tuning. I'll post a link to the chords if someone wants them.
Very nicely done. I wish I had your video editing skills. This is one of the most beautiful melodies. Isn't it odd, therefore, that the words are about a murder?
In your video version here, the juxtaposition of thethe sweet song with images of a flooded river creates the impression of resignation, as though we know the devastation a flood can create and there is nothing to do but admire the power of the river.
Thanks for the kind words. Gotta tell you, though, that this is a pretty slapdash job.
From playing the song - just once as you hear it, no multiple takes - to clicking "upload" on youtube took me 35 minutes. I should have recorded it again to get rid of the accidental percussion of my fingernail hitting the fretboard, and maybe left the original soundtrack in during the video part instead of deleting it. It came out OK, but to my eye, I can tell now that I was in a rush to get this done before going to work that day.
By comparison, my L & N Don't Stop Here Anymore video is done in the same slideshow format. It's a bit over four minutes long, and took me five hours to edit.
I really like the way you edited this together to include both still and live action...just top notch.
Tom, I liked both your play of the tune and the video you created to mate with the music.
As I've been flipping from one page to another, I've noticed that the "views" counter here shows the number of times this page has been viewed, and not the number of times the video has been played from the page. No big deal, but now I know why the views count here and the views from this site as recorded in my youtube stats don't match.