Cheryl Johnson


Location: Candler, NC
Country: US

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videos: 29
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Amazing Grace noter-drone

streams: 32
video file: 3.4MB, 00:01:15

Patty from Virginia
08/11/12 10:05:00AM @patty-from-virginia:

I love this hymn. Thanks for sharing. I love the sound of this dulcimer very muchSmile.gif

Cheryl Johnson
08/11/12 09:23:22AM @cheryl-johnson:

Thanks ya'll. Sam....its the way I like to hear Amazing Grace...just plain ole plain ole. Its how I like a lot of things.....vanilla ice cream. Robin...oh boy the sound is so lovely to my ears...I'm sure I was born in the wrong century. Carrie...I'm still working on not clunking the noter but its slowly getting better. Wayne...thanks...she is a purdy sounding little thing.

Thinking I'll name her Amber (not very creative, I know, but its what I keep calling her)

08/11/12 07:23:11AM @sam:

Cheryl that's the way I remember Amazing Grace. Thank you for a wonderful traditional selection. Your restraint in 'keepin' it real' is most appreciated on this one.

Robin Thompson
08/09/12 10:47:34PM @robin-thompson:

Okay, I'm jealous!Smile.gif I really like the sound of your Amburgey, Cheryl. It's just got an old, less sophisticated sound. (My Blue Lion just has a more complex sound than my dulcimers that, to my ear, have a more traditional sound. Hard to explain, really, what's meant by traditional sound , though.)

Cheryl, I think plywood gets a bad rap, really, as far as instruments go. (You're so right: the old guys knew what they were doing!) Jerry Rockwell patterned the body of my small Kentucky Hourglass after an Amburgey and it has a Birch ply bottom and sounds lovely.

Cheryl Johnson
08/09/12 03:14:25PM @cheryl-johnson:
Thanks Carrie! It's amazing to me that a dulcimer that small and made out of plywood has that much sound. Guess the old guys knew what they were doing!