David S. Sharp


Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Country: US
David S Sharp

David S Sharp


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audio tracks: 16

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@David S. Sharp
13 years ago - Comments: 0


@David S. Sharp
14 years ago - Comments: 2
Wals van Zeeland 1

Wals van Zeeland 1

@David S. Sharp
14 years ago - Comments: 0
Dove Creek Ranch

Dove Creek Ranch

@David S. Sharp
14 years ago - Comments: 0
Longbowmens March (David S. Sharp

Longbowmens March (David S....

@David S. Sharp
14 years ago - Comments: 4
Prince Orestes

Prince Orestes

@David S. Sharp
14 years ago - Comments: 0
Glastonbury Tor / The Black Swan / The Orchards of Avalon

Glastonbury Tor / The Black...

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 0
Tavernspite (David Sharp 1997)

Tavernspite (David Sharp 1997)

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 1
Fly around my pretty little Miss
Black Oak (David Sharp 1998)

Black Oak (David Sharp 1998)

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 0
Les Jongleur

Les Jongleur

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 2
Polka (French trad.)

Polka (French trad.)

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 0
Snow in the Pass

Snow in the Pass

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 0
The Old Jimmey Sutton / Goin' down to Cairo
The Wood Carver's Apprentice

The Wood Carver's Apprentice

@David S. Sharp
15 years ago - Comments: 0

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Idlewild 2019 Spike 150 a.jpg

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making Shakuhachi

Posted: Wednesday March 7 2012, 3:06 PM
By: @David S Sharp

Unicorn Limberjack

Posted: Friday November 18 2011, 1:00 PM
By: @David S Sharp


Frances Light Molinengo
12/28/14 11:22:10PM @frances-light-molinengo:
Dave, where do I go to purchase your books?
Frances Light Molinengo
06/13/13 06:47:38PM @frances-light-molinengo:

Hi David, I saw that you have some pioneer songs on tab. I am headed on a bus trip with 200 youth from our ward and would love to have a few songs to play on my dulcimer if you can recommend any. Thanks.

Fran Molinengo

11/18/11 11:27:02PM @beth-hansen:

I'm having a lovely evening on FOTMD listen to your music in the Pop-out player. This is now my most favorite place on the web I think! I love your music, it's a real inspiration as I've only been playing my dulcimer for 6 months. See you around the site!

John Tipton
08/17/10 03:32:38PM @john-tipton:
actually, I had no idea what that double flute was called! I found it in a antique store and have never had much luck in figuring out how to play it. Nice to know what it's called, Thanks! Now I can do some research on it.
John Tipton
08/17/10 12:46:17PM @john-tipton:
great music! great recording job. I like your solo flute music too (I followed the link to your site). I play Bamboo flute as well...but not THIS goodSmile.gif
Scotty Lee Shuffield
07/17/10 08:20:32PM @scotty-lee-shuffield:
Welcome aboard FOTMD...should be interesting having you around...that translates to: "get ready to learn a thing or two, folks..." Glad to have you!Scooter
07/17/10 01:35:44PM @strumelia:
David i would love to see photos of your epinette and your scheitholt. I have an epinette on order but it's taking a while....I've waited over a year already but I still have high hopes.Yes I went from fine art (book illustration, painting, sculpture) slowly transitioned to music over the years. And now for a living my husband and I do mostly patent illustration, our business is over 20 yrs old now and it did make the transition from ink on bristol board to computer- whew that was a big jump for sure. With technical art, the income sure is steadier than fine art. I am lucky to be able to pursue music as my happy pastime- I think it would be hard to make a living with music, just as with fine art. (unless you have a fulltime teaching position).Anyway, i'd love to see your other instrument pictures....!
07/16/10 08:51:55PM @strumelia:
Hi David, thanks for your comments....I'm impressed! My 'day job' is as a technical illustrator, and I used to paint and sculpt as well, so we have that in common.the slender dulcimer in your photo of your group intrigues me- what kind of dulcimer is it?
Sue Simms
07/16/10 12:13:01PM @sue-simms:
This is a Fantastic S Smile.gif ite David and Great people
Bill Lewis
07/15/10 08:29:49PM @bill-lewis:
Welcome to FOTMD David. Grin.gif
Sue Simms
07/15/10 06:08:22PM @sue-simms:
Liza Jane is a fun upbeat song Grin.gif
Sue Simms
07/15/10 06:06:04PM @sue-simms:
Welcome David , nice having another FOTMD join us Smile.gif
07/15/10 05:34:45PM @strumelia:
Hi David, so nice to have you join us!
Rod Westerfield
07/15/10 05:10:27PM @rod-westerfield:
welcome David glad ya joined the FOTMD family Smile.gif