Unicorn Limberjack

David S Sharp
David S Sharp
14 years ago
13 posts

Hi Strumelia

The children would love him. Limberjacks do rule and go perfect with Dulcimers and Banjos.


David S Sharp
David S Sharp
14 years ago
13 posts

Hi Donato

That's a lot of budweiser. I probably shouldn't stock that much beer in the house. Draft Horse Limberjacks with weighted hooves might make an interesting idea. Maybe drill holes in the feet and fill with a bit of lead or other metal. Hmmm! It does give one ideas.

14 years ago
2,321 posts

David that is a great unicorn! I love the weathered white paint and the mop hair.

Here is my horse limberjack, which was already constructed but unpainted wood. I just added a few painted details, to give him a saddle, white face and legs, and a face... and made him look like a palomino:

My palomino looks a bit chunkier and less graceful than your unicorn- maybe he's better built for cow-punching!

Limberjacks rule!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
David S Sharp
David S Sharp
14 years ago
13 posts

Hi all

I wish I had a video or something of it in action. My wife does a great job of it and is so good working with little children. I hope to get some DVD material of it and our puppet show we play music with. I'm working on a Buffalo limberjack to take on old timey gigs. I've got some brown water based stain and I'm thinking of calling him Buffalo Byron after my Dad. Since Bill and Bob are already taken. I have a clawhammer banjo to play along with that one.

14 years ago
41 posts

It is a delightful animal isn't it? And a very nice limberjack as well. I love their simplicity and potential for endless imaginative fun. Very cool!

folkfan said:

Really nice limberjack. Love unicorns and limberjacks. You did a great job with this one.

14 years ago
357 posts

Really nice limberjack. Love unicorns and limberjacks. You did a great job with this one.

Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
14 years ago
85 posts

That's really cool, David. Strumelia will like that too, she's got a soft spot for limberjacks...

Site Moderator
David S Sharp
David S Sharp
14 years ago
13 posts

274_forums.jpg I took a horse pattern and sawed it out then old mop strands for the mane and tail. A little white paint and colored pencil for the eyes and mouth and finally a length of white fiber glass fishing rod for the horn. We take him to our renfaires we work at and let children come and take a turn with him while I play Shepherd's Hey on the Mountain Dulcimer.

updated by @david-s-sharp: 06/11/15 07:28:21AM