

Location: Knoxville, Tn.
Country: USA

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Elvengal Elvensong DianeL David Pedersen Cynthia Wigington Lynn austin Paula Brawdy Robin Thompson


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Squire Woods

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:50
A fitting song for the holiday. "Squire Woods Lamentation on the refusal of his 'Halfpence" An O' Carolan tune for Squire Woods, who, after being commissioned to mint a 'Halfpence for the Irish folk, could only (sadly) lament when, as a protest the Irish folk refused to use it. Played on a Gold Tone Dulciborn, Weissenborn body and Mt. Dulcimer fretboard.
04/17/18 08:09:21AM @macaodha:

Very, very nice.

04/17/18 06:20:03AM @elvensong:

Oh now we have to definitely get together! What a gorgeous dulciborn, Frank!


12/21/16 09:09:00PM @marg:

Beautiful, welcome back on

12/12/16 01:16:14PM @monica:


Lynn austin
11/07/16 09:59:55PM @lynn-austin:

Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!

10/31/16 02:24:44PM @irene:

WOW, THAT WAS REALLY REALLY BEAUTIFUL.  When I lived in Hawaii, I had friends that played the steel slide guitar with a steel rod....Hawaiian music you'd say now.....As I see the dulcimer, I can also recall a style of slack key guitar that had also a hollow neck...not unlike this dulcimer you're playing on.  One time someone told me when I was first learning to play the dulcimer 30 some years ago, that the Hawaiian guitar came from a dulcimer style to play a guitar on the lap.  Thank you for your beautiful song and ease in playing it.  I can tell you really do enjoy playing....with feeling. aloha, irene

Lexie R Oakley
10/29/16 11:12:59AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very pretty. Will look forward to hearing your "Baby" Grand.

10/29/16 09:25:31AM @flwoods1:

Been gone a while, so thought I'd throw this up from several years ago. Along with original MD tunes, I have a weak spot for O'Carolan. Please disregard reference to Dulciborn. Sadly, due to unresolved construction issues, I stopped dealing with GT. However I'm proud to introduce Mike Clemmers, aka Wood and Strings, version called a "Baby" Grand of which I'm proud owner of #2, a six stringer. I'll be posting pics and vid asap.