musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:09
Duration: 00:03:09
Merry Christmas to All, A simple version of "I Wonder as I Wander" A song that came out of Murphy, N. Carolina in 1933. Sung by a young Annie Morgan at a revival meeting. John Jacob Niles happened to be there and paid $.25 each time for 8 times for her to sing it for him, so he could write melody and the 3 lines. He went on to add two more versus and publish it in 1934. Hope you enjoy.
I always enjoy your playing, thank you
Very beautiful!
Very nice!
I love playing this song on the harp....but going to try on the Dulcimer. thank you for such a beautiful rendition. One time I had the opportunity to repair a old Hawaiian slack key guitar that was NOT amplified. It was a beautiful instrument and I sent the owner to have it repaired by a more qualified person then I was at that time. It's shape was very much like this instrument you have on your lap. aloha, irene