FOTMD one year anniversary on July 29th, 2010 !

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
9 months ago
1,467 posts

Whoa, fifteen!?!  This time next year, FOTMD will be looking forward to driving.  cake

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
9 months ago
1,197 posts

Wow! Fifteen years. I'm looking forward to the anniversary party.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
9 months ago
422 posts

Well, Lisa, I'd say this teenager you brought forth 15 years ago has been on his best behavior, wouldn't you?

9 months ago
2,328 posts

I just stumbled on this discussion again... what a blast from the past.
So... this next Summer, in July 2024,
FOTMD will be  fifteen  years old.  surprised    oma

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
15 years ago
59 posts
I love this bunch. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
15 years ago
2,157 posts
Welcome to the ranks of the retired, Ken. File for your Social Insecurity on line and start collecting your dues! I get my first check in a couple weeks.
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
15 years ago
1,197 posts
Happy Birthday to FOTMD! It's been a great year. I haven't been around here as much as I would like, but last day of work is Saturday. After that I'll be retired. Hope to spend a little more time here. Have a great day and celebration everyone.
Paul Certo
Paul Certo
15 years ago
242 posts
Happy Anniversary, Y'all.Paul
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
15 years ago
1,777 posts
I was taught back in my vaudeville days never to follow an animal act.Thanks to everyone for making FOTMD such a friendly, engaging, and supportive community.D.T.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
Huzzuh-huzzuh, FOTMD!I've listened to Phil's and Randy's versions of Spider Bit the Baby -- Boy, I like the tune!-- and to Strumelia's amazing cat find. (Somebody get that cat an agent and a lawyer! Smile.gif )

Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
15 years ago
48 posts
Congrats and Happy Birthday to FOTMD.
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
15 years ago
109 posts
yes Happy Annv.. or birthday to all... this site has grown greatly, and is an inspiration to dulcimer players old and new.. thanks to all who participate and add to the encouragement of all players..36.gif 36.gif
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
15 years ago
2,157 posts
Happy Birthday to us!
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts
Happy Anniversary Everyone !!! and thanks again Lisa.JohnH6.gif 36.gif
15 years ago
2,328 posts


Phil Meyers:Randy Adams:You guys should add this tune to the "Call the Tune" group- there are two versions by members about more? :D

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 07/23/19 07:44:44PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
folkfan,Phil Myers plays a great version of our official tune! And Randy Adams does, too.Oh, it's Spider Bit the Baby .Smile.gif
15 years ago
357 posts
OK, I'm out of the loop. What is our "official" theme song??? Please don't tell me you all mean "Boil Em Cabbage Down". I don't know it. If it is, can I just play "Old Joe Clark" instead???? Phil Myers said:
I'll certainly be playing it!

Robin Thompson said:
Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
How shall we mark the day?
I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two. 3.gif

Ah yes...the official theme song. 39.gif 5.gif

Strumelia, I'd play our official tune if I knew it. Who knows, maybe I'll learn it by Thursday. 26.gif 25.gif
Phil Myers
Phil Myers
15 years ago
28 posts
I'll certainly be playing it! Robin Thompson said:
Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
How shall we mark the day?
I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two. 3.gif

Ah yes...the official theme song. 39.gif 5.gif

Strumelia, I'd play our official tune if I knew it. Who knows, maybe I'll learn it by Thursday. 26.gif 25.gif
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
Strumelia said:
Robin Thompson said:
How shall we mark the day?
I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two. 3.gif

Ah yes...the official theme song. 39.gif 5.gif
Strumelia, I'd play our official tune if I knew it. Who knows, maybe I'll learn it by Thursday. 26.gif 25.gif
15 years ago
2,328 posts
Robin Thompson said:
How shall we mark the day?
I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two.
Ah yes...the official theme song.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
How shall we mark the day?I'm thinking I'll listen to our official song a time or two. 3.gif
Dana R. McCall
Dana R. McCall
15 years ago
168 posts
I love this site. I enjoy checking in everyday and seeing how everyone is doing and what's new. I love having a place to share my stories and learn on all the wonderful forums and groups that have been started that answer just about any question you could possibly come up with. I know it makes my day and I sure a lot of others as well . Thank you so much for your insite into starting a place so great for people to cometogether in friendship and a common love of music and the Mountain Dulcimer. A big THANKS Lisa.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
Ahh, what a darling!
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
15 years ago
1,777 posts

What a cutie! It looks like your right hand is already getting ready for that frailing banjo! Strumelia said:

John Henry said:

Strumelia, that is not really you is it? Tho' I suppose the hunk of pie might just be a link!! And party time is nearly with us......

Strumelia said: No, that's not me, it looks to be from around 1920's to me. That would make me pretty long in the tooth! But it does represent how I feel. Smile.gif

Seems like every other week is a party around here. I can't get any work done! lol

This is me:

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
15 years ago
2,328 posts

John Henry said:

Strumelia, that is not really you is it? Tho' I suppose the hunk of pie might just be a link!! And party time is nearly with us......

No, that's not me, it looks to be from around 1920's to me. That would make me pretty long in the tooth! But it does represent how I feel. Seems like every other week is a party around here. I can't get any work done! lol

This is me:


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 07/18/19 03:49:29PM
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts
Strumelia, that is not really you is it? Tho' I suppose the hunk of pie might just be a link!! And party time is nearly with us................John
15 years ago
2,328 posts

Hey you guys are starting to embarrass me! (but thanks!)Remember, FOTMD stands for friends (plural) of the mountain dulcimer. It's not about me- this place would be pretty dull with just me here! We should all pat ourselves on the back for making this place special. It's so great to have this little shack where any of us can just stop in anytime, sit on the porch to cool our heels, swap stories, work out some tunes, show some snapshots, and cut ourselves a hunk o' 1 year anniversary pie in the kitchen...

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 07/23/19 07:43:33PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
Dusty Turtle: . . .I assume we have simply taken on the personality of our beloved founder, Strumelia. . .I haven't felt quite like myself for the past several months so this would explain a lot. . .3.gif Grin.gif
Michael Vickey
Michael Vickey
15 years ago
28 posts
Dusty Turtle said:
. . . I assume we have simply taken on the personality of our beloved founder, Strumelia, who continues to nurture us with her knowledge and love of traditional music and those who like playing it.
Yes, Strumelia is a sweetheart!Thanks, Strums for all you do for us.Happy Anniversary.Michael Vickey
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
15 years ago
1,777 posts
I know many of you can't believe FOTMD is already one-year-old, but I can't believe it is only one year old! I just assumed when I joined that you folks had been discussing dulcimer-related issues for years and I was crashing a long-standing party. It is amazing how quickly a sharing and considerate online community has been formed. There is so much anger and venom on discussion boards all over the Internet that it is a joy to come to FOTMD to find kind-hearted, friendly, and encouraging people with whom to share a musical passion.I assume we have simply taken on the personality of our beloved founder, Strumelia, who continues to nurture us with her knowledge and love of traditional music and those who like playing it.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
15 years ago
357 posts
Ditto for me on all expressions of congratulations on your hard work and excellent contribution to the dulcimer world, Lisa. joe zankowitz said:
Thanks Lisa for all you great work, you are special.
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
15 years ago
48 posts
I'm really greatful to be a part of this movement. THANKS Lisa.
John Henry
John Henry
15 years ago
258 posts
Thank you Lisa, and self sufficient for a year to boot!JohnH
Flint Hill
Flint Hill
15 years ago
62 posts
Lisa, you've really created a good thing in your efforts here at FOTMD.
Rod Westerfield
Rod Westerfield
15 years ago
109 posts
rah rah... yeah.. way to go.. does that mean it's PARTY time again..Grin.gif
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
15 years ago
1,467 posts
Yup, Ken!FOTMD is the place to come for cool dulcimer music on the internet. Ken Hulme said:
Ya done GOOD, girl!
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
15 years ago
2,157 posts
Ya done GOOD, girl!
15 years ago
2,328 posts

Coming up on July 29th 2010.....Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY .

How can it be ?? Seems like just a few short months ago.

And as if that weren't exciting enough....
likely in August a week or two right after that, we will reach 1000 MEMBERS . Amazing!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 05/21/24 07:59:39PM