But jams sometimes evolve. I used to frequent a bluegrass jam in the Bay Area (with a guitar and mandolin, for I had no idea what a dulcimer was back then) that was held weekly in a small fish taco joint. There was a small group of hardcore folks who played really tight music, with precise harmonies and stellar solos. It was hard to join in. I was just happy to play chords to back 'em up and never dared take a solo. But then that core group started their own band (and still play around SF, I believe) and left the jam behind. That opened it up for those of us who were not quite up to their speed.
We couldn't get Guiness on tap (my favorite, too, Robin) at that fish taco joint, but we had plenty of Bohemia and tequila, and the Mexican seafood was spicy enough to light the wicks on our picks and get some happy music going. Some customers seemed surprised to find bluegrass and old timey music in a taqueria, but everyone seemed to have a good time. The jam was good for business, so the owner loved having us around.
Of course, that was years ago. For all I know that space is a Starbucks now.
John Henry said:
my regards,
Dusty Turtle said:
A sports bar is obviously not the best place to gather for an acoustic jam. But any British pub is (unless a World Cup match is in session)! In general, the more Bud Light served the less likely acoustic folk music will be welcome, but the more Guiness or IPA around, the more the patrons might enjoy Billy in the Lowground or Blackberry Blossom or Flowers of Edinburgh or . . .
my regards,
Dusty Turtle said:
A sports bar is obviously not the best place to gather for an acoustic jam. But any British pub is (unless a World Cup match is in session)! In general, the more Bud Light served the less likely acoustic folk music will be welcome, but the more Guiness or IPA around, the more the patrons might enjoy Billy in the Lowground or Blackberry Blossom or Flowers of Edinburgh or . . .
Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator
As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
It is good to hear you have a welcoming music scene in your town Strumelia.
I think that we should make the effort to reclaim our bars and other public spaces for live music. We have had to fight a number of battles over here. And the musicians' political lobby has stopped draconian licencing regulations and amended by-laws on music in bars and other venues. We can now play "incidental music" without the venue needing a music licence. This basically means that you can get paid for a gig and as long as the venue is not selling tickets specifically for your gig then they don't need a licence. Pub landlords have become far more welcoming since this law change.
We do have flat screen TVs in pubs over here (but we nick the TV remote from behind the bar at the George when we arrive so we can swich it off). Carrying one of those universal remotes in your MD case should solve that issue in most bars
I totally agree! We've migrated towards playing at our town's farmer's market instead of the pub. We do it for free as our way of giving to the community. I like the scene at the market, and we can hear ourselves better and sit in the pleasant outdoors amongst good food. We do some charity and community events for free. Other gigs we get paid for.I think that we should make the effort to reclaim our bars and other public spaces for live music.

Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Site Owner
Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
A sports bar is obviously not the best place to gather for an acoustic jam. But any British pub is (unbless a World Cup match is in session)! In general, the more Bud Light served the less likely acoustic folk music will be welcome, but the more Guiness or IPA around, the more the patrons might enjoy Billy in the Lowground or Blackberry Blossom or Flowers of Edinburgh or . . .
Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator
As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

I'm listening to your MP3 right now and I LOVE it!
By the way, what's a "midge"?
Thanks for posting this.
Playing live music together builds what the boffins would call "social capital" in our community - coz there sure isn't much of any other sort of capital in these parts at present!
Ken - I can't manage a narrow boat - how about a canoe! Just be careful paddling over the aquaduct at Llangollen, it's a long way to fall out of your canoe!!!

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator
As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Nick has been excellent at bringing on us new musicians not just teaching us the tunes but also aspects of jam etiquette, collective playing and general musicianship. And it has been the simple stuff like back off and play rhythm while verses are sung that have made the difference. As a result, we have all progressed far quicker than we hoped.
We played outside the pub last night for an hour or so until the midges chased us inside during Soldiers Joy! So we played for the second half of the evening inside the pub.
Attached is a compilation from the evening recorded on my Zoom H2.
If you are thinking about attending old time jams with your MD I hope you find the encouragement and the guidance that we have. Playing collectively with good musicians is such an excellent way to develop your skills and stretch you out of your comfort zone (in a positive way).
updated by @robin-clark: 01/13/16 07:26:27PM