How do I find "my followers" in order to approve them?

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
7 years ago
2,157 posts

Noticed that.  Great idea Lisa!

7 years ago
2,320 posts

Update:  In addition to being able to see all your Followers from the "My Followers" TAB on your own profile page, I've also added a LINK in the dropdown menu when you hover over your name at top right of the site (when you are logged in).  There you'll now see a link to Pending Followers followed by the number of any followers that are currently pending your Approval.  It's a quick way to see if someone's waiting.   :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Steve Eulberg
Steve Eulberg
10 years ago
2 posts

 Yay, thank you!!

Mill Branch Dulcimores
Mill Branch Dulcimores
10 years ago
23 posts

Click on your name which will take you to you page. Above your profile photo you will see:
Latest Activity-Audio-Video-Events-MyFollowers

Click on MyFollowers TAB and it will show you the ones you need to approve.

Steve Eulberg
Steve Eulberg
10 years ago
2 posts

Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't find the list of people following me, in order to approve them unless I go back to the original email and click that link.  

Is there a direct way from the FOTMD website?


Steve Eulberg

updated by @steve-eulberg: 11/03/18 02:18:32PM