Hard to see text box, linksmenu- on mobile tablets

10 years ago
2,332 posts

This simple 'fix' applies as well to this issue: http://fotmd.com/forums/forum/new-site-questions-how-do-i/14547/top-links-not-showing-well-on-mobile

-it's just a matter of flipping yiour device vertical or horizontal, or maybe resizing the content by 'pinching'/expanding.

Mobile devices can be a bit picky.  winky

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
10 years ago
2,332 posts


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Backer
Ken Backer
10 years ago
31 posts

Good grief, I rotated my tablet to vertical and..wala..I can see.its a miracle!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Don't you love it when a problem solves itself? bigsmile

10 years ago
2,332 posts

Well, that was easy!    thumbsup

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Skip, thanks, works for me too, if I rotate my kindle to vertical position. Problem solved.

10 years ago
368 posts

The box moves up automatically on my p900. on the nook hd+ I just drag the text box up to clear the keyboard.

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Hi, I am unable to see the text box when my tablets virtual keyboard pops-up. Is there a remedy for this? 

updated by @sheryl-st-clare: 02/17/16 11:25:07AM