Can you help us identify the builder?

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,157 posts

Yes -- at least go tune it and play it.  If you like the sound, it is a good value for the money.

9 years ago
25 posts

Jessica, I was the one that inquired about this MD and thanks to everyone for their help and info. I just got an email from the people having the estate sale and they said this was on the instrument: "The dulcimer is from the Dulcimer Company in Fredericksburg, Texas. It is priced $125.00 and appears to be in excellent condition."

So I suppose I should go buy it?

Jessica Comeau
Jessica Comeau
9 years ago
5 posts

Yes, it does look very similar to a "The Dulcimer Factory" (Fredericksburg, TX) instrument that I own. It looks like this...

IMG_1804.JPG.jpg  •  198KB

IMG_1805.JPG.jpg  •  400KB

IMG_1803.JPG.jpg  •  397KB

joe sanguinette
joe sanguinette
9 years ago
73 posts

john and shirley naylor did work for cripple creek.  they left there and started the dulcimer factory in friedricksburg texas.  they built a lot

of instruments selling them in their own shop and in arts and crafts festivals.  they wholesaled as well.  for a while they supplied dulcimers

to the autoharp company of oscar schmidt.  this instrument could be one of thiers or maybe a cripple creek although i think both of these

would have identifying lables

Kevin Messenger
Kevin Messenger
9 years ago
85 posts

You're right Ken H. They are said to have learned from Bud Ford. I think I read the Dulcimer factory produced close to 30,000 dulcimer's . that's a lot of building.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,157 posts

Yeah -- yer right.  Probably Ducimer Factory.  Didn't they study on the Fords, or work for them, or something like that?

Kevin Messenger
Kevin Messenger
9 years ago
85 posts

Ken you beat me to it, I thought that same thing. Great

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
9 years ago
1,211 posts

From Texas, I would think it is a Dulcimer Factory dulcimer from the Naylors. The owned and operated the Dulcimer Factory in Fredericksburg, TX.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
9 years ago
423 posts

I thought of Cripple Creek too, because of the soundholes.  But they would have marked it, I'm sure.

9 years ago
25 posts

This was spotted at an estate sale in Texas. No maker's mark anywhere. Not sure of the age.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
9 years ago
2,157 posts

No maker's mark inside....  Any idea how old it is?    It reminds me of the Cripple Creek dulcimers from Bud & Donna Ford.

Jessica Comeau
Jessica Comeau
9 years ago
5 posts

We (Pensacola Mountain Dulcimer Wildflowers) have had an inquiry about the builder of this dulcimer. Does anyone recognize it?

updated by @jessica-comeau: 06/08/16 09:24:05PM