Stone pick
Charles Thomas
8 years ago
77 posts
Randy Adams
8 years ago
118 posts
Steven Berger
8 years ago
143 posts
If Fred Flintstone played the dulcimer, he might feel right at home using your pick. Nice finds, Charles!
Robin Thompson
8 years ago
1,462 posts
How cool, Charles! Rock on! ⭐️
Charles Thomas
8 years ago
77 posts
I was looking for other stones to make a pick out of when I found this stone(And 12 cents). I remembered Ken H's post about his malachite noter and I thought "This might work". After polishing I now have a stone noter and pick! Rock music!!!
Love the idea of your stone pick, looks like a worry stone they had years ago. Rubbing it when you are not playing with it, should shine it up or smooth it out more. I also had picked up a stone I was hoping to use as a pick but it is just a little too thick.
I have lots of interesting noters I have either made or found around the house that work really well, only wish I could put them to good use.
I enjoy thinking of new ideas in making things work, keeping learning the dulcimer adventure exciting.
updated by @marg: 06/24/17 12:32:53AM
Ken Hulme
8 years ago
2,157 posts
Interesting. I don't have a stone pick, but I use a malachite pestle, from a Mexican mortar & pestle set, as a noter. I do have a pick made from "vegetable ivory" from the Ivory Nut Palms on Pohnpei Island in the Federates States of Micronesia, and another made from polished turtle shell (found an empty shell in the woods years ago).
Charles Thomas
8 years ago
77 posts
While I was patrolling a fenceline at an electric company substation (that's part of my job) I noticed this rock and I thought that might make a nice pick.I took it home and polished one end with various grits of sandpaper. I like the weight and feel of it. I'm always on the lookout for noter and pick materiels!!
updated by @charles-thomas: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM