6 years ago
17 posts
Hi Robin, I think you have a good point. The ones I made I worked on for a long time and they looked a lot rougher than this one. Nice uniform little blocks inside too glued from the top and bottom to the sides. Hard to get a good picture, but there's lots of them, and they all look the same.
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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@david-messenger There are elements which make me wonder whether the dulcimer was put together from a kit.  The hearts look very uniform (as though many were cut just alike) and the ply top and fretboard look basic.  

John C
John C
6 years ago
8 posts

Thanks Ken for the quick response. That's good news. I will be filing tonight.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
6 years ago
2,157 posts

Filing those new slots will not affect the value of the dulcimer.  Just use a small triangular file, not a saw.

John C
John C
6 years ago
8 posts
Well I wound up passing on the Doty Dulcimer, but I think for good reason. I will let you guys decide. I was able to get my hands on a Robert Mize 1988 solid cherry Dulcimer. It is mint. It came with the case, some books and the original card that had the specs of the dulcimer as well as the number. I have attached some pics, please let me know your thoughts. Also it has the 4 equidistance string setup and the nut and saddle do not have the slots to change that configuration. Would it devalue it to have those slots cut into them? Thanks
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6 years ago
17 posts
Me too Robin! The person who sold it to me didn't have any idea how old it was, where it was from or who made it
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Curious.  I wish I had a clue as to who was the maker, David.  What jumps to mind, though, is the maker had some sort of banjo tail piece in mind when they they did the tail on the mountain dulcimer. 

6 years ago
17 posts
Hi Robin, no sign of any markings under that metal piece or on the tail. I had a good look at it before I put that fender strap button on.I think that metal piece must be copper, it isn't magnetic, but it sure is heavy
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6 years ago
17 posts
I could pull the screws and look underneath it Robin...
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@david-messenger That metal piece surely is distinctive-- thanks for the photo!  I can't help but wonder whether under this metal piece is where the original string anchors were located and the metal piece was added after the original string anchors failed some way. 

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
6 years ago
254 posts

Sounds like a great price on the Doty, John-C

6 years ago
17 posts
Hey Robin, how's this?
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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@david-messenger The tail on your instrument looks really distinctive.  If we could have a better look at it, perhaps someone can help make a positive ID on who was the maker?

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
6 years ago
2,157 posts

Good price. Especially considering that includes case, books, spare strings...

John C
John C
6 years ago
8 posts

Thank you for the information. I agree, I thought it was odd she stated she watched it being made, that being said we have only communicated via email and I have not seen it in person yet. I did have another pic that I didn't post, but now that you mentioned Dan and Ethel Doty it makes sense, because strings that come with it has Dan's name on them. See Pic. Dulcimer, case, 2 how to books and strings asking $175. Does the price seem in the ballpark? 

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Salt Springs
Salt Springs
6 years ago
214 posts

Well it depends, when it was bought.  Dan and Ethel Doty have been there for about 40 years and that dulcimer should have a signature inside one of the bottom sound holes.   Check it out if you can.......I suspect it is one of their's and if so it is a pretty good instrument.  If the price is right, I would not be afraid to buy it.  When the seller said she watched it being made, I suspect she may have meant string it up or setting it up're not going to build one in a day or so........

If it is a Doty it is going to be signed.

updated by @salt-springs: 10/02/19 10:49:01AM
John C
John C
6 years ago
8 posts

Could someone help me identify a Dulcimer I am looking at. The lady said it was made in Dollywood and she watched it being made. Does anyone know who may have made them or the value?

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6 years ago
17 posts
I ordered some cool tuners for her from Trenton, NJ, off a 1920's banjo. 3 good ones in there. Still not sure what make they are. Any ideas?
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6 years ago
17 posts

   Does anybody have any idea who may have made this dulcimer? It doesn't have any tag or anything on it. I bought it on ebay out of Alford, GB

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