Anyone have a David Honea dulcimer?

2 years ago
2,320 posts

The old forum discussions on either of the two ED sites are not archived or accessible, i believe. If I'm wrong, someone please point us to exactly where/how they are located. The only things archived from the original ED site were Tabs, Events, Articles, and club listings I think. Not forum discussions. I'm not even sure where the ED Articles are archived anymore. Many of them were also published in Mel Bay's dulcimersessions  .com website, which no longer exists either.  time

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Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Sea Strings
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts

Ken Hulme:

Look at the old Everything Dulcimer archives.  IIRC there were a number of discussion of Honea dulcimers 'back in the day'.


That sounds like just what I want! Although I'm not sure where to find/how to search said archives — all I'm finding is that the site is telling me it's ready to have website files uploaded, and that this FOTMD post that says the ED archives are not being saved. Maybe someone could point me in a more correct direction?

Edited to add: Well, and also I found an archive of the ED dulcimer tabs , but that's a different thing. giggle2

updated by @sea-strings: 09/13/23 08:50:34AM
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
2 years ago
2,157 posts

Look at the old Everything Dulcimer archives.  IIRC there were a number of discussion of Honea dulcimers 'back in the day'.

Sea Strings
Sea Strings
2 years ago
6 posts

I've got a new dulcimer in the house, whee! My latest acquirement is a David Honea (picture posted in this album ).

That said, it looks like the luthier's dulcimer website is no more, and the Wayback Machine version is sadly lacking in photos. There are a few of his dulcimers listed used on eBay right now, and I found a little discussion of him in past threads here, but I'd love to see (or hear about) even more of his work, because I'm curious like that.

So if anybody else has pictures or stories or thoughts on David Honea dulcimers, feel free to share, and thanks in advance! grin