Free tabs: More German folk songs

4 years ago
2,313 posts

@peter-w I still cannot find a way to get to the tabs you are referring to here in this thread. Can you please give us a link to where/how to find them?  I suspect the pdf attachments were lost when this site transitioned to a new platform. 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 02/13/21 02:07:53PM
8 years ago
2,313 posts

Hi Peter,

I know this thread was from a few years ago... it seems I can't figure out how to get to your tabs.  Is there a way I can help you to update your posts here to enable links to your generous folksong tabs?

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

Thank you all. Glad you like it.

@Ken: To be honest: "Morgenrot" is not among the German folk songs I usually sing - I had to look it up. But my wife remembered the tune when I played it.

I tabbed it today in DAD and in DAA (but I don't have a DAA-tuned dulcimer and didn't want to retune my DAD dulcimer. So I tried it on my Raffele which is tuned in DAA and I hope it works on a regular DAA-dulcimer as well!)

The author of the lyrics lived (more or less) in the area I grew up. Interesting that it was sung during the Civil War as well.
I'll join the group dealing with the Civil War era and upload the files there.
I hope it is the song you meant! Smile.gif

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
12 years ago
2,157 posts

Really nice collection of German folk music Peter. Keep up the good work!

How about a tab for Morgen Rot? Then we can add it to the discussion on American Civil War songs. It was sung on the Yankee/Northern side of the ACW, although I understand that it is much older than that (Thirty Years War?).

Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

Thanks, Garey and Robin!

@Garey - I have added a short summary about the meaning of the songs. I want to add the German lyrics, but I'll have to type them first.
Yes, I have seen some tabs where only the melody is in the music notes line. But I also like to have a visible idea of the chords I use, and I think the musical notes help. Best of all is if all know it by heart at the end! Smile.gif Some days ago I have uploaded two of the songs at But I do not read there very often.

@Robin: Yes, I think some of them can be played noter-drone. Great to know, that some of the old folks are "international". For a long time I thought, the song "Lang, lang ist's her" was a German folk song. When I wanted to tab it, I learned that the composer was British ("Long, long ago")... Grin.gif
Ah, and Elvis actually learned to know "Muss i denn" when he served for the US Army and was based in Bad Nauheim, Germany for some time...

Robin Clark
Robin Clark
12 years ago
239 posts

Hi Peter, I've just been playing through the tunes (in noter drone from DAA following the notation melody). I recognise quite afew of them! I have heard on or two of the tunes over here in the UK as childrens songs and a couple as old music hallsongs (drinking songs!!!). I like the way you have even sneaked some Elvis Presley into the booklet (Muss i denn) Grin.gif It is a great resource - thanks!!!!


Rob N Lackey
Rob N Lackey
12 years ago
420 posts

Thank you, Peter. This is very good of you to make available. One of the fellows who plays in our classical guitar ensemble (and is Chemistry Professor here at Fairmont State University) is from Germany. He has shared some folk song arrangements for guitar with us. I think I'll share these with him since I've been trying to get him interested in the dulcimer. LOL

Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

UPDATE: Added three more songs - and reduced size file! Grin.gif

@Carrie: I have profited a lot by all the information given in boards like this one (including Youtube videos and some tabs I found on the internet, especially those of Steve Smith. Although I haven't used tabs very often, I understand that they help a lot especially for learning new songs), so I am glad if anyone is interested and I can give back something to the community.

I hesitated to give them away into the public domain though. I thought about writing a short introduction into playing MD in German, so I decided to "claim" that little retention (hope that's the right word... Smile.gif ) and declared it to be under CC licence 3.0 - just in case I'd possibly need to proof that I arranged and tabbed these sheets some day. You never know nowadays...

Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

Done. Grin.gif

Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

Glad you like it, Martha.

I have tabbed some more, so maybe I'll replace the single tab sheets with a collection of about 10 easy arrangements of German folk songs this weekend.

Peter W.
Peter W.
12 years ago
48 posts

UPDATE: As I am still discovering TablEdit, I modified the file in the following way

- The melody is now shown in the right octave (it was printed out "8va" - an octave higher - before

- All notes above middle C show "stem up" now. So the melody can be seen easier for someone who joins in with a melody instrument. Restriction: TablEdit also shows notes from the middle and bass string stem up when they are higher than middle C.

- Added 2 more songs (see list below)

EDIT: In the last days I have tabbed 10 (UPDATE: 13) easy arrangements of German folk songs for mountain dulcimer in DAD.

I went over the arrangements again and tried to give them a pleasant appearance. If there are any mistakes, please let me know.

At the moment, the collection contains the following songs:

Alles neu macht der Mai
Alle Vgel sind schon da
Am Neckar, am Neckar
An der Saale hellem Strande
Bald gras' ich am Neckar
Der Kuckuck und der Esel
Freut euch des Lebens!
Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen
Horch, was kommt von drauen rein
Lustig ist das Zigeunerleben
Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken
Muss i denn
Nun ade, du mein lieb Heimatland
Sah ein Knab' ein Rslein stehn
Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen

All songs go back to the 19th century or even earlier, so they are in the public domain. You may use these tabs for non-commercial, personal use, in workshops etc. Please do not upload this file to other platforms without getting in touch with me before. Thank you!

All of them are easy-playing arrangements, with the tune all on the melody strings

Maybe I'll add some files from time to time. If so, I'll replace the existing file with the new one and announce it in this thread.

Have fun!

updated by @peter-w: 08/02/23 08:26:01AM