Peter W.


Location: Satteldorf, BW
Country: DE

My Latest Followers:

DianeL sleepingangel Salt Springs Dick Lilly Cat Brown David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Oliver Ogden Lexie R Oakley Gary Major Miriam Storz Wayne Jiang Rob N Lackey Jack Ferguson Dusty Turtle Geoff Black


youtube videos: 70
images: 86
videos: 2

Got in touch with the Mountain Dulcimer in 2011 for the first time. It's just one of many instruments in my life, so I spend more or less time on it.

Latest Activity

Peter W.
@peter-w • 2 months ago • comments: 4
Updated a YouTube Video:
My Lord, what a morning
Peter W.
@peter-w • 2 months ago • comments: 4
Updated a YouTube Video:
My Lord, what a morning
Peter W.
@peter-w • 2 months ago • comments: 4
Posted new YouTube video(s):
My Lord, what a morning

Latest Group Discussions

Peter W.

Folkroots Travel Dulcimer with "Galax" back

Does anybody have any experience with the FolkRoots travel dulcimer...
@Peter W. 11 years ago - Comments: 3
Peter W.

How far can you go? A super short dulcimer

After I have built two "pocket scheitholts" last week, I was curious:...
@Peter W. 12 years ago - Comments: 5
Peter W.

Mini Box Dulcimer - a five hour project

As I still am a learner in building dulcimers, I started a mini...
@Peter W. 12 years ago - Comments: 10
Peter W.

Cedar Creek Kit

This weekend I ordered a Dulcimer Kit for the "Red Meadow" model from...
@Peter W. 12 years ago - Comments: 57
Peter W.


As I had tabbed some German folk songs the last days, Ken Hulme asked...
@Peter W. 12 years ago - Comments: 6

Latest Audio


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Latest Forum Discussions


Recent acquisitions...

Posted: Tuesday December 17 2024, 10:26 AM
By: @Ken Longfield

Free tabs: More German folk songs

Posted: Saturday February 13 2021, 1:22 PM
By: @Strumelia

Free Tabs: "Der Heiland ist geboren" - An...

Posted: Saturday April 14 2018, 9:31 PM
By: @Ariosta

Free Kantele method book - asking for...

Posted: Thursday August 27 2015, 5:34 PM
By: @Peter W.

The Onion Flute - mother of the kazoo

Posted: Tuesday December 9 2014, 6:37 PM
By: @Ken Hulme

Free tab: Oravan Pesä (The Squirrel Nest)

Posted: Friday August 29 2014, 5:38 AM
By: @Peter W.

Free tabs: Molly Malone - Cockles and Mussels

Posted: Sunday September 15 2013, 9:08 AM
By: @Peter W.

Free tabs: Rosin the Bow

Posted: Thursday August 29 2013, 11:24 AM
By: @Peter W.

He, she or it?

Posted: Saturday October 20 2012, 2:27 PM
By: @Wout Blommers


11/15/24 03:52:26PM @strumelia:

Peter, thank you so much for generously becoming a Patron member of FOTMD.  clapper

Oliver Ogden
12/11/14 05:58:40AM @oliver-ogden:

I have enjoy watching the u tube videos of your group--can you tell me the names of the people in your group photo? thanks

Karel Votanek
11/19/13 12:49:59PM @karel-votanek:

Hallo Peter,vielen Dank fr alle Deine Komentare!

Mehr habe ich auf Youtube geschrieben.

Vielen Dank KarelSmile.gif

Martin Oesterle
10/08/13 02:02:58PM @martin-oesterle:

Danke Peter, fr deine Freundschaft. Freue mich schon bis wir wieder mal gemeinsam Musizieren.

Karel Votanek
09/17/13 02:13:13PM @karel-votanek:

Hallo Peter,vielen Dank fr Deine Nachricht! Ich wrde sehr gerne mit meiner Frau kommen,so weit ist Satteldorf auch nicht.Wir werden Dich aber auf keinen Fall belstigen,was bernachtung betrifft,es gibt mehrere Mglichkeiten im Ort(laut Internet).Morgen fahren wir 14 Tage in Urlaub,ab 04.10.13 sind wir wieder zu Hause in Freilassing.Ich melde mich gleich nach dem Urlaub.

Also nochmals vielen Dank,ich freue mich schon jetzt.


Karel Votanek
09/17/13 12:22:36AM @karel-votanek:

Hello Peter,vielen Dank fr Deine Freunschaft,es freut mich sehr,Es wrde mich freuen,wenn ich auf Treff im October teilnehmen kann.Ich wnsche Dir einen schnen Tag.Karel

Karel Votanek
08/31/13 09:18:22AM @karel-votanek:

Hallo Peter,

Thank you very much for your comment.Antwort auf Deine Frage:

Ich wohne in Freilassing an der Grenze mit sterreich bei Salzburg.

Es war glcklicher Zufall,dass ich im Internet Dulzimer entdeckt habe.

Ich spiele meistens klassische Gitarre,oder E-Gitarre.

Nochmals vielen Dank! KarelGrin.gif

Karen Keane
05/16/12 06:44:45PM @karen-keane:

Hello and welcome to the site. This is a great place to share ideas and listen to music. I hope you enjoy!

Peter W.
05/16/12 07:04:30AM @peter-w:

Thanks everybody for the warm welcome! :D

Rob N Lackey
05/16/12 06:49:22AM @rob-n-lackey:

Welcome, Goschi, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Suzanne is a beautiful tune; one of my favorites since the 70's when I 1st heard it on a Neil Diamond 8 track. Hope you enjoy it here.


05/15/12 08:08:44PM @phil:

Hi Goschi Welcome to FOTMDGrin.gif

Hallo Goschi Willkommen zu FOTMDGrin.gif

John Keane
05/15/12 07:35:10PM @john-keane:

Howdy and welcome to FOTMD!

Ben Barr Jr
05/15/12 05:08:25PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Hi Goschi, and welcome to the world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It is a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer and to meet some good people.

BenSmile.gif Smile.gif

John Henry
05/15/12 03:08:27PM @john-henry:

Hello Goschi, a welcome to you from the UK/European group within FOTMD,this is a very helpful site, and a good source of dulcimer information


Jim Fawcett
05/15/12 01:08:09PM @jim-fawcett:

Hey Goschi, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.