So if Jesus came to dinner, what would you play?

Bill S
Bill S
5 years ago
9 posts

I think he would like to take a break from worshiping and enjoy a few good Irish jigs and maybe do a little dancing.  He wants to have fun, too.

5 years ago
168 posts

What wondrous Love it this, oh my soul, oh my soul.....ends with the words, "and when from death I'm free, I'll sing on, I'll sing on................I'll sing and joyful be and through Eternity I'll sing on.......

There are other songs I'd sing, but I'd ask what tunes He knew....What psalms He and the Apostles sang and I'd ask Him to sing to me those songs.  aloha, irene

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
5 years ago
69 posts

I think I would play Just as I Am........

How fitting to humbly play my music for the King!

Robert Bush
Robert Bush
5 years ago
1 posts

If That Isn't Love -  Dottie Rambo

Second Choice

Mary Did You Know - Mark Lowry / Buddy Green

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
5 years ago
1,457 posts

You can think of something to play for Jesus if he just was going finish dessert and coffee, @hugssandi 

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
5 years ago
197 posts

Knowing the way I play, I'd be making all kinds of excuses & apologies, but Let Us Break Bread Together comes to mind.

5 years ago
244 posts

OH that's a great question!!!  I have no idea....

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
9 years ago
1,457 posts
After Hangman's Reel, I'd play Jesus an original tune or two that Mark & I put together. So I wouldn't have to change tuning to change keys, I'd offer our Quittin' Time at Essex Mine since it's also in the key of A and tell Jesus how each of Mark's grandfathers worked at Essex Mine at one time or another.PS- Not that I think our original tunes are so great-- it'd just be fun to play them for Jesus! :)
James Phillips
James Phillips
9 years ago
87 posts

I'm going to change it to if "so and so" came to dinner as while I do play songs out of the hymnal, I am more spiritual then religious, if that makes sense. Mine would be Ode to Joy, In The Sweet Bye and Bye and Wildwood Flower.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
9 years ago
1,457 posts
I'd be playing Jesus some fiddle tunes! Likely, I'd tune to the key of A and play Hangman's Reel for starters-- it's such a fun tune and I like the AABBCCDD structure.
D. chitwood
D. chitwood
9 years ago
139 posts

There are certain songs that are just good. Always good, everyone seems to love them and you never get tired of hearing their pretty melodies.

For me, one of those would be Lee's Waltz. If I was demonstrating the beauty of the dulcimer for a new listener, I'm pretty certain that'd be what I'd play.

What are some songs you play that never seem to grow old and make you smile when you hear them?

(I'm definitely going to check out any and all songs listed!) :)

updated by @d-chitwood: 06/11/15 07:43:25AM