Seduced by a pretty face

John Gribble
John Gribble
8 years ago
124 posts

Yes, I'm enjoying the new Warren May. I played it for a half hour or so this evening. It is waking up nicely and will have a very full tone when broken in. It was only one day old when I got it!

And yes, the summer weather here is pretty awful. Very hot, very humid. I've had some issues with instruments, but nothing too serious. 

Warren told me he'd visited Japan on a Sister City tour some years ago. But as of yet, there aren't many dulcimerists around.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
8 years ago
1,457 posts

Y'all had quite a KY tour!  And that May dulcimer sure is a beauty! 

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
8 years ago
401 posts

Have 5 already. Lexie...doesn't mean I wasn't tempted, though!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
8 years ago
229 posts

Nice pictures, fun seeing John picking out his new dulcimer with Warren and very nice picture of Jan playing one of his dulcimers.

And Jan all that and you didn't take one home? Ahh No what's up Girl?

John Gribble
John Gribble
8 years ago
124 posts

 And here's Jan with Warren and one of the instruments she was playing. 

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updated by @john-gribble: 05/02/16 10:28:00AM
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
8 years ago
401 posts

John and I had a great day seeing the John Jacob Niles home, touring the Kentucky Artisan Center (where we also had lunch), and spending an hour or so in Warren May's shop, looking at his collection of historic dulcimers (and playing a few!).  Then I sat and played one of Warren's dulcimers for a long while as folks came in and browsed and Warren and John talked dulcimer talk.  I must not have been paying much attention to them because I was very surprised to find out John had selected one to hand carry back to Japan!


Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke

updated by @jan-potts: 04/27/16 06:28:01AM
8 years ago
616 posts

What a special visit you had, jan to guide you and a Warren May to go home with. Let us hear your new dulcimer when you get home, congratulations. 

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
8 years ago
229 posts

John how wonderful you were able to come and meet Jan, really sweet of her to give you such a great tour and lead you to a new and very beautiful dulcimer you had to take home with you.

I get the impression that Jan would spend the time showing anyone of us the hot spots of our dulcimer history and sites of her home. She is just sweet that way and I am sure she enjoyed your company.

John Gribble
John Gribble
8 years ago
124 posts

A couple of weeks ago I was in Lexington, KY where I met our moderator Jan Potts. She very kindly drove me around, first to visit the home of singer/composer/dulcimerist John Jacob Niles, then to Berea for lunch and a visit to Warren Mays's shop.  Well, what can I say? I fell in love with an instrument with a spectacular walnut top and it came home with me to Japan. 

I'd like to thank Jan again, this time publicly, for spending the day with me and for the introduction. I couldn't have had a better guide. 

Oh, and don't mind Elsa peeking over my shoulder. She's only a little jealous. 

Photo 44.jpg
Photo 44.jpg  •  122KB

updated by @john-gribble: 08/01/23 02:47:18PM