Lillie’s Lullaby

Ballad Gal
Ballad Gal
5 years ago
34 posts

Great tune, Kendra...The kind you go around humming when you're happy! Hope to see you again in Berea next year.

5 years ago
2,302 posts

Kendra, it'd work better for you if you posted this info and link to the tab etc right in the Comments section of your Lillies video.

That way, your info about the tab and the video will all be in one place, right on the actual video page.  If you start a forum thread in the Forums about your video in the video section, the two will not stay connected and people's comments here about your video will sink out of sight as the forum thread gets older.  That's the trouble with having two different comment areas about one item (the video, where comments are left... and this thread about the video, in a forum that is not part of the video.)

I know you are having some confusions about using this site, so I'm trying to help you. It's best not to start a forum discussion about your own video- each videos has its own comment area where you can post thoughts and info and hold discussions about the video right there, on the video's own page.  It gets quite confusing after a while to have comments on the video page and also comments about the video in a separate forum thread like this one.  Go to your "Lillies" video's page (find your video by going to the main link for Videos at top banner, OR by going to your own profile page and clicking the Videos Tab to see your VIDEOS there) and post your info and tab link there in the video comments instead of starting forum discussions about each of your videos.  That way everyone will find all the comments, discussion, and info on the video right there, on the video's page.  I hope I've explained this without confusing things!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 10/01/19 11:33:17PM
5 years ago
141 posts

Kendra, thank you for sharing the tab of "Lillie's Lullaby" and for sharing your family's connection to dulcimer history.  Most of us came to the dulcimer later in our lives, and it is nice to hear from someone who lived the tradition within their own family.  I've printed off your arrangement of "Lillie's Lullaby" and will give it a whirl tomorrow when I'm more awake.  All the best.

Kendra Ward
Kendra Ward
5 years ago
10 posts

Hello all...I posted a video playing my grandmothers dulcimer which was made in 1892! The tune is called “Lillie’s Lullaby” which I wrote in her honor around 30 years ago...

Heres a link to the tab and music...I hope you will think of my grandmother Lillie when you play it...


Kendra...aka Dulcerina

updated by @kendra-ward: 10/27/19 12:02:25PM