How do I get this sidebar off of my screen on FOTMD?

5 years ago
2,320 posts

Funny little story concerning the trash can icon button-

As Admin, I naturally have many more buttons available to me than the average member here. a couple years ago I went to delete a discussion from the Forums and I wasn't paying attention. I clicked the trash can icon and POOF! the entire forum for the whole site was gone. Ten years' worth of discussions, by thousands of members. boggling   I thought I'd about die!
Luckily, there was a site backup that was only an hour old, and I was able to restore things to that point in time.
Immediately after all was well again, I adjusted the site code so that the trash can icon that would delete the entire Forum was not even visible to me anymore. Step awaaaaaay from the trash can! LOLOL  bomb

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 11/14/20 02:00:26PM
5 years ago
2,320 posts

Jill, the only icon you might want to hesitate about clicking on is the trash can one. Trash cans will delete something!  Aside from that, it's great to learn by clicking on buttons and icons to find out what they do here on fotmd. Usually you can just hit 'back' or 'cancel' if you get to somewhere you don't want to be after clicking somewhere.  winky  

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 11/14/20 01:52:10PM
Jill Geary
Jill Geary
5 years ago
28 posts

Thanks Dusty and Lisa! I haven't figured out all the icons! I got it hidden now!

5 years ago
2,320 posts

Thanks Dusty.

Jill, here's an existing thread addressing the same question:

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
5 years ago
1,791 posts

Jill, you have opened up the live chat. You simply need to minimize it.  The icon with the left pointing arrow and a vertical line will do the job.


Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Jill Geary
Jill Geary
5 years ago
28 posts

Hi all, Somehow I got this "no room selected" sidebar on my FOTMD page (all pages) - how can I get this to go away? (It blocks some of my name at the top.) I'll attach a screen shot. Thanks!!

FOTMD screen shot.png
FOTMD screen shot.png  •  601KB