John Shaw


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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The Old Rugged Cross

The Old Rugged Cross

style or instrument: Album

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streams: 63

John Shaw
08/12/16 08:07:07AM @john-shaw:

Thanks very much, Patriotic!  Glad you enjoyed it.

08/09/16 04:49:46PM @patriotic:

I just came across your version of this song, very pretty rendition. Great tune.

John Shaw
06/19/15 03:40:58PM @john-shaw:

Hello Barbara,

Thank you very much for your comments about "The Old Rugged Cross"!  It's actually not a baritone, but a standard pitch/range dulcimer (a Sunhearth hourglass).  I'm in 1-3-5 tuning in D (D-F#-A).  Quite a bit of the playing is done on the lower strings, which is why it has rather a baritone-ish character.  The string gauges are .024", .014", and .012".  Actually when I recorded this tune the strings had been on the dulcimer a fairly long time and were really due for replacing, but I thought their duller than average character suited this piece!