jeffrey charles foster


Location: Oswego, NY
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jeffrey charles foster
@jeffrey-charles-foster • 8 years ago • comments: 0
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12/07/17 11:16:04AM @strumelia:

Hi Jeffrey, I saw your comment on my profile page about wanting to become a Patron member again (your previous generous donations are no longer current or active).  If you would like to do so anew, just use our Paypal donation button either on the Main Page or here:

Jeffrey your friendly participation in this site in discussions and also in chat is much appreciated, as always!  You have many friends here.   :)   Lisa

12/13/16 11:35:55AM @strumelia:

Hey Jeffrey- this is a real funny coincidence:

Yesterday, Brian and I sat down to play some tunes, and Brian suddenly remembered that years ago we used to play Sal's Got Mud Between Her Toes, and that we have not played it for years now.  So we played it and had a good time and put it back into our active list of tunes to play.  Then, about one hour after that I logged onto FOTMD just to check in, and found that you had just then "Liked" that very tune in my audio clips from years ago.   How weird is that? alienabduct   ...but also cool!    Thanks!  bananawave  

12/12/16 05:55:46PM @strumelia:

Jeffrey, mostly, people on fotmd upload their videos to Youtube, which shrinks them to a proper size automatically.  Then they add their Youtube video to FOTMD.

You can't upload a video to FOTMD directly from your computer anyway-  you have to first have the video on either Youtube or Vimeo...then using that URL/link you can ad it to FOTMD's video section.

Does that help answer your question?

10/21/16 03:39:26PM @strumelia:

Jeffrey, i just wanted to say Thank You  so much for becoming a Patron Member whose generous donations help support our FOTMD site.   clapper grphug

Alan Thompson
10/03/16 05:15:55PM @alan-thompson:

Thank Jeff his eye is on the sparrow is what you mentioned  I should look up.

Alan Thompson
09/26/16 06:24:11PM @alan-thompson:

Jeff we talked on Sunday and I recommended looking up the blackest crow. You should check out a version posted by Janene Miller a few days ago on fotmd where she finger dances and strums I think that would be a fair description. You should also check out a version by Laura Elder it was posted on fotmd about six years back but I cannot find it here now. I recommend looking her up on you tube she has some really good videos up. You also said I should look up a tune but for the life of me I cannot remember what it was please let me know.

Ken Longfield
10/12/15 10:22:53PM @ken-longfield:

I will have your dulcimer on Wednesday. Thought you might like to know.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
07/09/15 01:14:45PM @ken-longfield:

Jeffrey, Rob told me that you were looking for my email. Here it is: klongfield (at) embarqmail (dot) com. Don't forget to replace the (at) with @ and the (dot) with . Looking forward to hearing from you.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Nina Zanetti
07/02/15 09:35:25AM @nina-zanetti:

I think there is a group in Binghamton, ny area.... Have you tried looking on Everything dDulcimer? That site lists all clubs by area. I think the McSpadden site also has a list. Also, yes, ask around at Cranberry. I'll be there Sunday morning... See you!

jeffrey charles foster
06/19/15 06:29:30PM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

my chat isnt working either

Patty from Virginia
06/16/15 11:19:03AM @patty-from-virginia:

Jeff, LOL

Patty from Virginia
06/16/15 10:32:28AM @patty-from-virginia:

Jeffrey, If you don't see the chat bar at the bottom of your page or a blue bubble that lets you open it up then you can't do chat either. I was able to do it for a bit yesterday afternoon with Jim and Dan but the bar disappeared and the bubble. I can no longer do chat on this site. Apparently John Henry is having similar problems. 

Patty from Virginia
06/07/15 03:26:01PM @patty-from-virginia:

All this time I thought we were already friends, lolSmile.gif

Lexie R Oakley
03/29/15 02:45:18PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Jeff, here is a great link to strumming practice video that Paul Sykes did;


I don't do the last ones he shows, they are difficult and I am not ready.

Strum lightly and have fun!103.gif Let me know how it goes for you.113.gif

Cindy Stammich
10/27/14 08:44:19AM @cindy-stammich:
Hi Jeffrey,Thank you for the friend request!Keep strumming and smilng!Cindy