

Location: Bonn, Nordrhein-Westphalen
Country: Germany

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images: 9
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style or instrument: Folk

musician/member name: jost

streams: 100


My take on this traditional on my lute guitar. Recorded with a TASCAM DR-07X home recorder, so sound is not the best. Edited it, to remove the part with German version of the lyrics since they are not public domain at the moment, the lyricist Peter Hacks died in 2003. A quite jazzy recording of them by Manfred Krug can be found on Youtube.
01/10/21 05:46:45PM @jost:

Thanks Robin, it's a beauty in any regard, I even took my avatar from it:

Robin Thompson
01/10/21 04:04:35PM @robin-thompson:

Your lute guitar has a nice sound, Jost.