2020 has been one heck of a mountain dulcimer adventure year at my home so far :)
Would you believe that right in the middle of eye surgery--my husband, Bob, drove me all the way to Petal, Mississippi to compete in the Deep South Mountain Dulcimer Contest hosted by the Southern Strings Dulcimer Club ? And I won 1st Place & now have a ticket and entry into the National Mountain Dulcimer Contest at Walnut Valley Festival in Winfield Kansas this September ?
Right now-keeping close to home because of the virus--but working from home & got a brand new mountain dulcimer CD arriving in April. And busy playing & tabbing everyday for my second mountain dulcimer book which hopefully will be done in time for the Florida Folk Festival & the Gebhard Woods Festival this summer.
Just finished updating my website & hope you'll visit and sign up for my email list. (I won't spam you--I only send out something once or twice a year). But I'm planning an email blurb soon & there may be some bonus specials going on.
Also--have been making some new mountain dulcimer videos outdoors for folks who are trapped inside & will try to get some of those up soon. I post regularly on my Facebook page & everything is set to public so you can view--even if your not a friend
"Easy String Band Method for the Mountain Dulcimer" (instruction book/cd) is still in print & folks from all over the world have been learning this fun & easy method from it for over a decade. And now the instructional recording comes in a digital download that comes with the book. Folks have been telling me they need some more tunes & tunings & they are coming soon.
Chickens Crowin at Midnigh t is a "dulcimercentric" string band style collection of traditional tunes.
All are available on her website.
Mary Z Cox holds 2 graduate degrees from Florida State University and grad level certifications in education for youth & adults. “Folks learn more when they are having fun” is her educational philosophy. “If a dulcimer calls to you— buy it--don't fight destiny--its your duty to add it to your home. " is her motto.
March 18, 2020
Please be safe & healthy during this virus time. Love and blessings to you & your family & remember to sing and play your dulcimers everyday :)
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AllNew Timber Hill Butterfly dulcimer arrived...
By: @BethH
Wow, most excellent philosophy and motto, Mary!
Hey Mary. I ordered a Clemmer TN Sweetie Church-style from Mike and Connie a little over a week ago. Connie said Mike has so many orders that he won't get to start mine until Jan. That's fine, I understand that these great builders are in demand. I had never heard of sassafras on a dulcimer, but after a little checking and talking to Connie, I think it will be a good choice. Mike is going to personalize it with a Maple Leaf on the headstock, since we are producers of pure maple syrup
. Your dulcimer sounds like it's going to be beautiful. I bet yours will be coming very soon. I hope you post pictures of it. BTW, your videos are great. I looked up your books on Elderly, which is my local music store. You are very talented.
Mary, 59 yrs just about equals two life sentences without remission, lol ! Thanks for friend request, John
Mary thanks and have a good day ....dig the dulcimer pics
Love the CD cover.
Thanks for the friends request Mary, I love your timbe hills dulcimers BEAUTIFUL Paul is a geat guy.
Good news--Just got the January issue of Banjo Newsletter and the editor, Don Nitchie, listed his dozen favorite banjo cds of 2011--and whoah--Girl With the Banjo Tattoo was one of the 12! He even mentioned that there were a couple good dulcimer/banjo duets on it--and it isn't often that banjo players will even mention dulcimers--let alone recommend them :)
Thanks Don for listening and appreciating (he listens to several hundred new cds a year)
Mark and I were heading to the big city today (Columbus OH) and he put a DPN sampler cd in the player-- he heard your Tam Lin and liked it a lot. I ordered your cd earlier this eve-- I may not be able to keep it wrapped until Valentine's Day.
I had to chuckle when I read you article in DPN. My oldest dulcimer has friction pegs. Like your Checkered Lady, mine will not be played in anything but Ionian. It took a number of snapped strings before I accepted it.
Great Picture Mary...you were already well represented with your gallery anyway. I only thought it was good to have pix that helped show people's personalities. So many members don't have any pix and there is no way to get to "know" someone, without those or without blogs, etc. BTW, I love your pix of Elvis playing the dulcimer! Thanks for joining in the fun and I hope that we can get together at a jam someday! Keep on keepin' on, girl!
Hello Mary. I'm delighted to be your friend - thanks for asking!Re my Paul Conrad dulcimer: I was so bowled over by the strong dramatic appearance of the red elm dulcimer which was the first photo to come up on his website in early 2008, that I got into discussions with him about making one for me. It was dulcimer lust at first sight rather than sound, as I hadn't heard one at that time! (But I knew from ED that he was gathering a strong reputation very quickly.) My dulcimer has a strong bright sound with a lot of "oomph" about it. I've only recorded once with it so far - you can hear it on the "Oyster Girl" sound file on my page on this site. It's the dulcimer I am playing to accompany the song. (Other multitracked instruments kick in for the tune that closes the song.) This recording demonstrated to me that it has a good hefty bass end too, which I hadn't really been so aware of while playing.It's his Form A type of MD that I went for, with 27" VSL. Paul's movable pedestal bridge set-up works really well and is very stable. You can see a picture of my MD on his website - it's the 3-string red elm dulcimer with double-diamond soundholes and planetary tuners. I marvel at Paul's more complex intarsia wood creations, but it's the simpler, less ornate dulcimers that I really like.
Hello Mary, have you ever heard of a female banjo player for back in the day- Ola Belle Reed. I have an old Kevin Roth lp album from back in 1977 and he`s pictured with her. Says alot of his traditional songs he learned from her.
No - stillat home - unable to get on to the roads - snow and ice. Maybe Sunday or Monday.Thanks for asking. Keep warm.
Hey Mary! I played a little music with John Warren and company last night - what talent! I hope you're keeping warm. It got down to 11 last night and we hear that the worst is yet to come - Give me call the next time you're up this way. We'd love for you to come by - maybe we can jam a bit! 828 787-1586
Hi Mary, I was at the Suwannee Dulcimer Retreat earlier this month and it was great. Then we found out that you were fighting a cold - but you were great and the class was terrific!! I encourage all players here to try to go to the Suwannee Dulcimer Retreat next year - promise you won't be disappointed. Thank you, Mary, for being my friend.
Hi Mary,Don Neuhauser of Indiana made my Galax dulcimer. He does a fabulous job and the sound is great!
Mary,That's a lot of recording for one day! Put your feet up and have a glass of iced tea or mug of hot chocolate-- whichever the weather there in FL calls for in the way of a beverage. :)
Mary,Might you tell us more about your "Easy String Band Method for the Mountain Dulcimer"?Thanks!
Welcome to FOTMD Mary
Welcome to FOTMD, Mary. :)