Kevin Burns


Location: Red Boiling Springs, TN
Country: US

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youtube videos: 1
images: 3
audio tracks: 29

Man of Constant Sorrow

Man of Constant Sorrow

style or instrument: Mountain Dulcimer

musician/member name: Kevin Burns

streams: 180


My rendition of an old time classic.
Kevin Burns
04/03/22 03:07:10PM @kevin-burns:

Thank you, Alphie! nod

04/03/22 11:37:36AM @alphie:

Way beyond where I will ever get on the Dulcimer. That really sounds great! Thanks for recording it.

Kevin Burns
12/08/21 02:06:02PM @kevin-burns:

Thank you nod

12/07/21 11:03:36PM @studentofrhythm:

Very fitting!

08/01/21 12:44:47AM @nate:

Unlike any rendition I've heard clapper

07/31/21 11:52:19PM @carolynf:

Really nice! A lot of intriguing things going on in this tune.

Jim Phillips
07/29/21 09:16:08AM @jim-at-gcreek:


i really like your style!  Are you finger picking on “Man of Constant Sorrow”?  What is your tuning on this tune?

Jim Phillips

Robin Thompson
07/28/21 07:48:24PM @robin-thompson:

Kevin, I like your modern take on this old song-- very cool!